Topic: Wedges traden

I would like to trade wedges ..............
I can not program and I have no interest in unnecessary fuss around me with maddening intricacies. I leave like the rounders so. What should I do in order to realize my project?

Missing: all appropriate indicators!

So what's Footon; Popov and everyone else; as it would be if you now finally draws up a list with all the indicators to be written and easy recheriert only by the noble donors for the system FSB !? I would sometimes one of them. (Forex Forum → Technical Indicators - Paid Coding Service → Custom indicator coding service)

I want wedges
I want to triangles
I want to Pending Orders


Re: Wedges traden

Are you sure that you haver explored the existing indicators abd learned to use them effectively?  There may be what you want already.

There have been some newer things developed in the Premium Club that may suit your needs.

Re: Wedges traden

May I very ask you to want me constantly teach !!!
I need facts. We are talking about money and not about Microsoft Windows 3:01
It makes no sense to waste time with absurd constructions. That, I have quite a few examples found, seems to be with you in a larger scale of the case.
Should have changed the "Premium Club"? Come to me not merely "try it" or similar. I do not believe it.
I see myself as a trader and, as such, I do not have to have the intention of me with respect, kidding,!

So, it is now possible to procure the necessary indicators? If so, when?

ich darf doch sehr bitten, mich ständig belehren zu wollen !!!
Ich brauche Fakten. Es geht schliesslich um Geld und nicht um Microsoft Windows 3.01
Es macht keinen Sinn, Zeit mit irrwitzigen Konstruktionen zu verschwenden. Das, so habe ich etliche Beispiele gefunden, bei Ihnen im größerem Umfang der Fall zu sein scheint.
Sollte das sich im " Premium Club" geändert haben? Kommen Sie mir blos nicht "testen Sie es" o.ä . Ich glaube es nicht.
Ich verstehe mich als Trader und als solcher habe ich nicht die Absicht mich, mit verlaub, verarschen zu lassen!

Also, Ist es nun möglich die nötigen Indikatoren zu beschaffen ? Wenn ja, wann?

Re: Wedges traden

Ich wiederhole nochmals.
Ich benötige die Indikatoren für eine Keilkonfiguration, Dreieckskonfiguration und Pendingorderkunfiguration.

Wer kann diese konstruieren? Und wann sind diese auch für den Einsatz als Expert Advsor verfügbar?



I repeat.
I need the indicators of a wedge configuration, triangular configuration and Pendingorderkunfiguration.

Who can construct these? And when these are also available for use as an Expert Advsor?


Re: Wedges traden

well, you seem urgent.

I suggest that you post your requirements in Footon's thread and ask what price he would require and also post the mql indicators that you want him to work on so that he can know what is required.

The other alternative is to email Popov with your details and indicators and ask if he would have time to work on these on a professional basis as he has an hourly rate for custom work.

Or........ you can study the custom indicator development thread and construct your own indicators.

Or..... you can write to Yavor, the site administrator, who is also a professional programmer to ask what he would charge for these indicators.

Now, you have four alternatives and can start to take action to resolve your issues.