Topic: Memory Allocation

FSBPro is using a lot of memory now, so much so that is stops processing.

I love the speed but do not like when it stalls.

So....... I would like to know what memory is now required so that I can be sure to purchase enough.


Re: Memory Allocation

I loaded the prior version....

I will have to do that again as the most recent is already downloaded.......

Would there be a way to prevent the updating until I get whatever memory amount I need?


Re: Memory Allocation

There is no relation between the program version and the RAM used.

I'm developing and working with FSB Pro on a laptop with 8 GB RAM and it never crashes.

You can stop the updates from the control Panel => General => "Check and install updates automatically".

You can reduce the used RAM, by unloading the data files stored in the program's memory. Do it from History Center -> Data Statistics => "Release Unused Data"

Re: Memory Allocation

I will see what I can do with 'release unused data'

I have similar RAM to your machine so I am doing something wrong. hahaha

Oh well......... slowly I learn...

The thing is sooooo fast now. amazing!

Thanks for help.

(Hate to admit it... I think you already told me this a few weeks ago. LOL)

Re: Memory Allocation

"Release Unused Data" is grayed by default !!!! i canot change it

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Re: Memory Allocation

maybe is cause you do not have data to release.

I used mine earlier.

Re: Memory Allocation

I use 24GB ram, thing seem stable.