Topic: Custom Code must be downloaded every time

Hello. I have clicked for "Load custom indicators at startup" in the Control Panel but everytime I restart the application I "only" have 103 indicators. I have to go to the Repository for Indicators and Download them and then I have appx 180 indis. When I start the Software the Output Log says something cannot be loaded and I should get the "LoaderException" for more info.

Re: Custom Code must be downloaded every time

Footon reported similar problem.

I hope he will comment how it fixed it. I suppose there is some indicator that causes the problems.

You have to find this one and we can eventually fix it. You can divided indicator sin groups in order to find the bad one easier.  Before starting FSB, delete the dll files from the Libraries folder.

Please report your progress.

Re: Custom Code must be downloaded every time

Hmm, that's interesting. Maybe some indi in the repo is acting up.

I've had this 2 times, first time I had 2 Pro's installed but they each used the same indi folder. I deleted one Pro and issue disappeared.

The second time happened with 2 indis which were badly formatted by me, I took them out and everything worked. Later I fixed them and everything worked again.

If you want my advice, clean the library first. Then, move all custom indis to a separate folder. Then, take half of those indis and put them back into respective FSB folder, start and then restart. If everything works, clean the library and indi folder and repeat by adding the other half of indis into FSB. Check if it works. If one group of indis work and other do not, then you have a bad apple in non-working indi group. You have to repeat the library cleaning-division-testing cycle until you have the bad apple left.

That's all I can say at the moment.

Re: Custom Code must be downloaded every time

Please ensure that you have the latest version also.

I had better luck when I used the newest

Re: Custom Code must be downloaded every time

Hi All, thanks for quick responses. Problem solved!  I deleted dll;s and removed Indis and then put them back again 10 at a time. I think some were duplicates and Keltner indi with two different names resulting in the same DLL. I have now cleared and removed these few (I think 3 or 4) and everything seems to work fine now!  :-)   It now loads 191 indicator and the Log is fine  :-)   Thank you again!!

Re: Custom Code must be downloaded every time

I had to do similar two or three times and finally, I guess, I got the garbage cleaned out.

I had never thought of deleting all and reloading until I had this problem  LOL