Topic: help

I have difficulty in finding person who comes to my house and learn how your program work
then explain to me

have you a solution to pay in advance and receive assistance with teamviewer ??

are only four years that I try to do my strategy
if the answer is' no ,, i can find and pay programmer here for to do my EA ??

Re: help

Hello Fandango,
You don't need to pay additionally for a private training. Purchase a lifetime license or subscribe to our annual plan and we'll provide you individual overview and training via TeamViewer.

,, i can find and pay programmer here for to do my EA ??

When you become familiar with the software you'll be able to do your EA alone. We can always help you via our support forum.

Re: help

Popov wrote:

Hello Fandango,
You don't need to pay additionally for a private training. Purchase a lifetime license or subscribe to our annual plan and we'll provide you individual overview and training via TeamViewer.

,, i can find and pay programmer here for to do my EA ??

When you become familiar with the software you'll be able to do your EA alone. We can always help you via our support forum.

my name is not 'einstein,, then I'll never be able to do a ea for myself

I regret his negative response ,,I wanted to pay an hourly rate in advance , to connect with someone who can do
Sorry to disturb

4 (edited by fandango 2015-06-11 13:16:15)

Re: help

fandango wrote:
Popov wrote:

Hello Fandango,
You don't need to pay additionally for a private training. Purchase a lifetime license or subscribe to our annual plan and we'll provide you individual overview and training via TeamViewer.

,, i can find and pay programmer here for to do my EA ??

When you become familiar with the software you'll be able to do your EA alone. We can always help you via our support forum.

my name is not 'einstein,, then I'll never be able to do a ea for myself

I regret his negative response ,,I wanted to pay an hourly rate in advance , to connect with someone who can do
Sorry to disturb

please i can put " announcement for research programmer " in your forum ?
I work with
1 real time second gmt
2 external indicators imported
3 tick indicators
4 renko

then I realized that is not 'can use your program to do EA

Re: help

Fandango, can you explain what exactly you need and what you expect.
We may find a solution.

Re: help


Popov, as a developer, is the most helpful that I have seen in many years of working with different softwares. I think it is only fair that you simply aski him to help with your problem as do others and allow him to resolve your issues.

Re: help

Blaiserboy wrote:


Popov, as a developer, is the most helpful that I have seen in many years of working with different softwares. I think it is only fair that you simply aski him to help with your problem as do others and allow him to resolve your issues.

I'm for 4 year offended humiliated derided abandoned robbed
from programmers guys  in wwwmql or www freelancer.
I have more than 200 unfinished prototypes all paid all bug from my strategy
Now I wanted to be master myself

my strategy and 'very complex for this and' was divided into 3 step
the first static step and 'a correlation between RS channel and pivot day
a change of a channel value fractal RS (jump of value bottom support or top resistance ),
the exact time to rececked if the jump remain ,, the max time candle permited and the time max for pending in front at price
and the various pivot values
I have to write every day at 08 am
where it needs to be this " jump " value
we have 4 type of jump bottom pullback bottom exaustion top exaustion top pulback
at each  type i can write 6 external possibility   value xx   (pivot fibo o psyco pivot ) + or -  and tollerance (max o min )

when we have a jump from congestion breakout indicato mq4
if this "jump " and 'near pivot value (external value written )
We re-check after xx time 20 40 sec ,,and then make 1 order or 2 we do pending order at distance xx but only for determinate  time

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8 (edited by fandango 2015-06-11 18:52:30)

Re: help

I hope to clarify with this photo

I do not know if I can add my indicators
or I have to use only those inside your FSB
because I work only with tick lagging indicators

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Re: help

I suggest that you open FSBPro and start to build your strategy, do as much as you can..... then place some pics...... and ask some questions.

Start to get it into FSBPro, then you will make progress.

In my own brief experience, I have found that the simple strategies on a 4 hour or longer chart make the most nmoney with the fewest problems.

Strategies that require a lot of indicators will need constant maintenance.

Keep that in mind as you develop this strategy unless you have many hours in a day to optimize.

10 (edited by fandango 2015-06-11 19:00:31)

Re: help

Blaiserboy wrote:

I suggest that you open FSBPro and start to build your strategy, do as much as you can..... then place some pics...... and ask some questions.

Start to get it into FSBPro, then you will make progress.

In my own brief experience, I have found that the simple strategies on a 4 hour or longer chart make the most nmoney with the fewest problems.

Strategies that require a lot of indicators will need constant maintenance.

Keep that in mind as you develop this strategy unless you have many hours in a day to optimize.

I can put in FSB my indicators ??
I have some great difficulties with Facebook and twitter
I could never understand what they do and how they work
but 'work with office and computer every day
I know quite well mt4

Re: help

New Indicators would have to be converted to the format of FSB.

I wonder if you could have a long look at what is available in FSB to see what you can use

In any event, layout your strategy clearly and see what Popov can recommend.

Re: help

Blaiserboy wrote:

New Indicators would have to be converted to the format of FSB.

I wonder if you could have a long look at what is available in FSB to see what you can use

In any event, layout your strategy clearly and see what Popov can recommend.

You can tell exactly how to spell set and convert and import external indicator from mq4  to FSB

JForex Import ??[]=converted  ?? import ??

Re: help


FSB Pro is designed to provide real time backtesting and automatic strategy generating. It is most suitable for developing strategies with a predefine structure with the help of the available indicators and price functions (more than 160). However you want to build and test specific conditions that are not available out of the box. FSB is not design to import MT indicators or experts. It is a tool whit its own logic.

You can use FSB in the other way. Run the FSB Generator and see if it will create a strategy for you instead of trying to convert your strategy tor it. It is a great opportunity taking into account that it costs about 55 cents per day.

If you insist creating specific trading rules that are not ready made for FSB Pro, you have to probably try some other tools or services.

Metaquotes improved greatly their MQL language for the last two years and it allows almost unlimited possibilities. Yuo can try learning some MQL programming at least to the degree to make slight modifications of the indicators and experts you are using. And MT and MQL are free.

If you find it too difficult, you can try the TradeStation Easy Language. TradeStation is one of the most robust trading platforms. The EasyLanguage is a special script requiring less programming knowledge then MQL, however it is quite pricy.

Re: help


I just made a couple posts under the heading 'Price Action'

The solution to your dilemma is in those posts.

Read the posts a couple times to gain understanding and then start to apply what I said to your strategy development.

I bet........ I bet that FSBPro will develop a far better strategy to the one you have, once you learn how to use the program.

The thread is here

Re: help

Popov wrote:


FSB Pro is designed to provide real time backtesting and automatic strategy generating. It is most suitable for developing strategies with a predefine structure with the help of the available indicators and price functions (more than 160). However you want to build and test specific conditions that are not available out of the box. FSB is not design to import MT indicators or experts. It is a tool whit its own logic.

You can use FSB in the other way. Run the FSB Generator and see if it will create a strategy for you instead of trying to convert your strategy tor it. It is a great opportunity taking into account that it costs about 55 cents per day.

If you insist creating specific trading rules that are not ready made for FSB Pro, you have to probably try some other tools or services.

Metaquotes improved greatly their MQL language for the last two years and it allows almost unlimited possibilities. Yuo can try learning some MQL programming at least to the degree to make slight modifications of the indicators and experts you are using. And MT and MQL are free.

If you find it too difficult, you can try the TradeStation Easy Language. TradeStation is one of the most robust trading platforms. The EasyLanguage is a special script requiring less programming knowledge then MQL, however it is quite pricy.

thanks but I do not work with indicators 50 years old
I do not watch television 50 years old
I do not drive car 50 years old
my phone and  not 50 years old
williams indicators were good 50 years ago, not now 2015 !!
thank you for the time you have dedicated to me
many pip green at all

Re: help

I think you have misunderstood what happens in FSBPro as the generator works.  I am pretty old, a lot older than 50, so i am entitled to use Williams indicators as they fit my age group.

The nice thing is that I have a portfolio of Williams based strategies that shows some pretty good numbers.., in fact the numbers are super!

Probably people who are younger than me could not use the Willimas indicators, I am fortunate.

For purposes of this discussion I have loaded some of the portfolio so you can see some numbers for yourself and then perhaps re consider your views.... You have actually shown that you are not yet understanding strategy generation.

That is just a quick list, I will be glad to load 20 or 30 more but the numbers will show similar ratios, and every one of them is based on Williams indicators!!

Perhaps you can rethink your statements.


Re: help

I also use Macd which is old fashioned....... because I am old.....

And my portfolio of Macd based strategies has a very similar drawdown percentage.

Old people are more focused on keeping their profits, afraid to lose them to drawdowns so they use old fashioned indicators.

I am not sure how old the Macd is but I am sure I am in the age group qualified to use it.

BUT, the good news is...... I can jack up the position size on any of them without fearing blowing my account.!

SO......... I would like someone to post  a profile of the new indicators that can beat my ratios and then when  I reincarnate as a young person I will use the new stuff.

Any takers.??

Re: help

Blaiserboy wrote:

  I am pretty old, a lot older than 50, so i am entitled to use Williams indicators as they fit my age group.

Probably people who are younger than me could not use the Willimas indicators, I am fortunate.


You are so lucky, Dave! I'm turning green here with envy...

I just realized SVM, what I'm still trying to get to work, was developed in late 60's... It's not in my age range, what am I going to do now?

19 (edited by hannahis 2015-06-15 13:45:16)

Re: help

Wow, impressive Dave...

Now I need to re think my strategies...since I'm getting older and quite a few more years to go to qualify for the age group, so better start now than later wink

I'm assuming you use the Williams on a 4hr time chart right...ok, now try to see whether I can churn out a more impressive ratio and beat yours, ha, ha, ha.  Now you got everyone green with envy.

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Re: help

hannahis wrote:

Wow, impressive Dave...

Now I need to re think my strategies...since I'm getting older and quite a few more years to go to qualify for the age group, so better start now than later wink

I'm assuming you use the Williams on a 4hr time chart right...ok, now try to see whether I can churn out a more impressive ratio and beat yours, ha, ha, ha.  Now you got everyone green with envy.

I really like the ones that look like a stair case... they are not always easy to create.

Kudos for your efforts!

Re: help

footon wrote:
Blaiserboy wrote:

  I am pretty old, a lot older than 50, so i am entitled to use Williams indicators as they fit my age group.

Probably people who are younger than me could not use the Willimas indicators, I am fortunate.


You are so lucky, Dave! I'm turning green here with envy...

I just realized SVM, what I'm still trying to get to work, was developed in late 60's... It's not in my age range, what am I going to do now?

There is a choice, you can either work in a past life or reincarnate as an old geezer....

(you and Popov are both aware of my frustrations, both have received 'steaming' pm's, I just prefer to not show my negativity in the forum as usually it is caused by my ignorance of the solution to the problem)

Re: help

One of the very successful sellers on the MT5/MT4 site uses the following indicators.

Moving Average
Bollinger Bands

and his strategies make some good money. I know because I have copied some of his stuff.

Notice that all of them are related to a moving average of some sort.

Some writers say that moving averages and donchian systems have been the best over the long haul, and that is why I focus on these indicators in my strategies.

Not everyone can do that ........ because you have to be of a certain age to use these. LOL

I have made money with each of these, I have not yet learned how to make money with donchian.

In any event, for my purposes FSBPro has enough indicators and tools to provide the basis for many profitable strategies.

Re: help

Thanks for sharing your successful story and indicators information, very encouraging.

Good for those out there who are still trying out via trials and error.  At least with the list of indicators, it helps me to zoom in directly to those that are profitable.

Re: help

Many more indicators than the ones I use are successful. Other people have made great profits with other stuff. We have to experiment continually to learn.

I use what I use because I have had some success and have learned how to squeeze those indicators for money. I have spent a lot of time with those over a few years. I still have a lot to learn. maybe I am not motivated enough to do that.

Please do not limit yourself to my experience...... be sure to experiment.