Topic: Strategy Generation Capacity

I am trying to push the program and my computer to see what they will do.

At present I have 5 instances generating and my machine is running at about 60 per cent and memory is at 49 per cent.

So far , so good,  except the thing is making so many results that the Repository update is a little bit slow. I think it is slow because of the screen write procedure, probably will be ok if I collapse the program and do other stuff. haha

I found that I can run a second copy of the program and still have CPU to spare.

I am not too sure that competitive products can generate usable strategies that rapidly, I have not seen any that can.

Re: Strategy Generation Capacity

And what about benchmark!!!!

when i run one instance 10000 bars loaded  and  the pro version is slower than the fsb old , the benchmark in the old ranging from 90-120 Max and when run two it run at 50 plus each and still faster than the pro is that normal !!!!!!!

Re: Strategy Generation Capacity

Right now I have 6 strategies and benchmark is about 62.

I got rid of the old FSB as Popov mentioned there was a couple errors somewhere that seemed critical.

Several things can affect speed, one of them is compataibility of the hardware, ie the manufacturer may not have matched everything well. I have no idea as to what a person can use for a diagnostic for that.

I don't usually worry too much about the speed, I usually have some other stuff to do so I just let the thing do whatever and hope for results that I can use.

Re: Strategy Generation Capacity

Critical errors in old FSB? Nooooo, old FSB forever wink

Re: Strategy Generation Capacity

I am positive that in a forum post, Popov mentioned there is one or two errors in Forex Strategy Builder. We should ask him. to be certain.

Re: Strategy Generation Capacity

Blaiserboy wrote:

Right now I have 6 strategies and benchmark is about 62..

As i know the benchmark only in the old FSB not the PRO where your 62 benchmark come from

Blaiserboy wrote:

I got rid of the old FSB as Popov mentioned there was a couple errors somewhere that seemed critical.

yes we need to know how much it critical because like footon i still use it because of two reasons
1st its speed , second the number of strategies it generates far more in number than the PRO

Blaiserboy wrote:

Several things can affect speed, one of them is compataibility of the hardware, ie the manufacturer may not have matched everything well. I have no idea as to what a person can use for a diagnostic for that.

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Re: Strategy Generation Capacity

Windows Task Manager gives the Benchmark.  (CTRL  ALT Del). I usually have this open all the time.

Out of Sample is one thing that is incorrectly calculated, I remember Popov stating that.

The 4 gig Ram may be causing you some grief, mine sometimes uses up to 7 gig and I think I need more Ram.

Actually, I need a new system, more processor cores and Ram, I noticed in one of the videos that Popov has a machine that is wayyyyyyyyyy faster than mine.

Re: Strategy Generation Capacity

Since I started this thread a few months ago, there has been a substantial revision to the program and it is much, much faster and also is operating quite nicely on my old machine.

I still want Santa to arrive with some super fast machine and huge Ram.