Topic: Operating Manual / Bug report

The developer is working to prepare a detailed manual of instructions.

It is really important that any bugs be reported as soon as possible so that the manual can be complete and accurate.

Please be sure to report anything that might appear as a bug to you...... even if it is not what turns out to be a bug, please be good enough to report it.

You may have a question about something that appears to be weird.. be sure to ask all questions.

For the next three or four months please examine things closely and report anything that looks like a bug or computation error.

This is nothing to do with adding features or the wish list, this is to locate and correct anything that looks like a bug or error.

In this way we can have an excellent software for our purpose.


Re: Operating Manual / Bug report

Thank you Dave,

I want to add that we'll be grateful if you report any illogical or odd things you may encounter.

For example I just now noticed that the "Strategy Repo..." button leads to the "Repo Strategies" page smile

Re: Operating Manual / Bug report

I wonder if there is some sort of mechanism to reconnect to a chart in Trader mode...

I have one strategy that will not stay connected.

Can there be some type of routine to reconnect.......?

Is there some way of detecting as to why the disconnect?   I have an idea that it is latency, however, I have several strategies trading on one pair , same time frame.

I notice that output log did not record that I had connected several strategies, in fact no entries in the outpout log for one hour and 35 minutes. Is there a way to keep Output log updating or do I have to restart the program each time it fails to update? Trades are not recorded in Output log..?

I wonder if there could be a modification to trader so that in event of MT4 crash that when restarted the bridge expert adviser still be on the chart so that restarting all of the strategies is not necessary.

I have twelve strategies trading, and each time MT4 crashes, I have to restart every one of the strategies and put a new bridge on each chart. (no notes in the Output log when strategies are restarted. I guess I should restart FSBPro?)

Is there some way to enhance this?

Perhaps a routine could be developed for MT4 crash recovery so that things restart and the program does not need constant attention.

Re: Operating Manual / Bug report

Re  Trader Autostart

I notice that when strategies are deleted from trader and new ones added...... When I 'Fill in Current Session', the deleted strategies are listed as well as the current ones.

Is there a way that the original ones can be removed when resaving the current strategies?

5 (edited by vcfriend 2014-12-23 06:40:52)

Re: Operating Manual / Bug report

Hello, I need help, failed to set the index and converted to EA. Please tell me how to deal with. The following is the error:

2014-12-23 13:12:40 ExpertAdvisor is not exported. Cannot create the expert file.
2014-12-23 13:18:02 Cannot find following indicators:HMA
My program version number: V2.0.1.0

Re: Operating Manual / Bug report

You can just follow the instructions on this page and will work fine....

I didn't follow the instructions at first and had trouble....... when I did follow them all went well

Re: Operating Manual / Bug report

Hello vcfriend,

2014-12-23 13:12:40 ExpertAdvisor is not exported. Cannot create the expert file.
2014-12-23 13:18:02 Cannot find following indicators:HMA

Expert Advisor export needs all indicators included in the strategy. However, the distributed MQL code includes only the indicators that originally comes with the installation.

It seams you are using a custom indicator HMA. It is not translated to MQL and this is the reason you cannot export your strategy.

Now you have three options:
- to use only indicators that comes with FSB because they have also MQL code
- to wait the author of the indicator to rewrite it in MQL code,
- to rewrite the indicator in MQL alone

Re: Operating Manual / Bug report

I have found that I can get enough strategies using only the ones that come with the program and that I get results faster by using fewer indicators.

My choices of indicators are those that are related to price action and I try to stay away from oscillators and moving averages (except for momentum).

The software is so fast when using few indicators that I do not get impatient when looking  for solutions hahaha

Re: Operating Manual / Bug report

the generator not following the rules

Example: if i have a min sharp ratio 0.3 it still generate strategies < 0.3

Also if i have the filter using sharp ratio it suppose to keep the higher generating results but what happen is randomly generate strategies '' .1 then .5 then .2 .... etc

Re: Operating Manual / Bug report

Also if i have the filter using sharp ratio it suppose to keep the higher generating results but what happen is randomly generate strategies '' .1 then .5 then .2 .... etc

The Generator always shows the strategy with the maximum profit. If you want the strategy with the maximum Sharpe ratio, go to Strategy Collections and sort the strategies per Sharpe Ratio.

Re: Operating Manual / Bug report

Interesting aspect

I set up a strategy with a lot size of 0.01 and maximum lots of 20.... and the results showed....

Then I increased the lot size to 0.02  results did not compute and went to waiting for data.....

and after ten minutes, still waiting for data.  Generator will not start.

Appears that when building a strategy in the generator, there is a problem when changing the Entry Amount.

Re: Operating Manual / Bug report

Hello Dave,

"Then I increased the lot size to 0.02"

You increased that in the Editor, wright? Did you see calculated balance there?

Id your initial account settings is large enough to trade with 0.02 lots? It depends on the initial account, the leverage and the symbol's lot size.

Re: Operating Manual / Bug report

Well, I am using the smallest lot size on Instaforex, I am pretty sure that going from 0.01 to 0.02 should be ok and changing the maximum from 20 to 25 should be ok

I have two instances of FSB Pro. the chnages work on one instance and not on the other instance.

No problem, I will ju7st use the one that works.....

Re: Operating Manual / Bug report

I am attempting to run the generator on three strategies at the same time.

Having a difficulty with ambiguous bars.

I am using the same instrument 15 minute time frame.

When I loaded the third instance all of the bars in the first two instances became ambiguous, while the third instance had no ambiguous bars.

I attempted to change the time frame to fix, that didn't work

Also, I saved the strategy and closed it and re opened.

I also closed and re opened the program.

What can I do to correct this?


I just opened a fourth instance, it too is all Ambiguous bars, while the third one is fine.

Is there a 'reset' of some kind that will correct this......?

I downloaded new data, three instances have all ambiguous bars, the one has only 5 ambiguous bars..

I changed the number of bars.. no luck.

Reboot and change currency pair. same situation........

I am thinking that the condition is somehow linked to the strategy, somehow saved.......??

Re: Operating Manual / Bug report

Wow, I sure got mixed up about Ambiguous Bars.

Anyways, Popov explained to me how that works and there was no problem at all.

I would have thought I knew how to use the software after this many years....

Now I can laugh at my errors..

Re: Operating Manual / Bug report

Blaiserboy wrote:

Having a difficulty with ambiguous bars.
I downloaded new data, three instances have all ambiguous bars, the one has only 5 ambiguous bars...

The ambiguous bars depend on the strategy.

No matter what data you have, if the strategy doesn't determine the entries correctly or there are several possible entries, the bars will be marked ambiguous.

A new strategy produces only ambiguous bars because the entry direction is not specified. You have Enter at Bar Open but it is valid for long and for short.

If you specify a direction with a filter, the strategy will know at what direction to open and the ambiguous bars will disappear.

Re: Operating Manual / Bug report

Custom Indicators

Popov is preparing to add a facility for construction of Custom Indicators.

It will be too bad if we do not provide input as to what we want to be able to accomplish with indicators before he gets this thing prepared.

I suggest that we make a sticky and add to that every feature we would like to have in this new feature.

This will be a fairly complex undertaking, involving many hours of programming and testing, it will be difficult to ask him to go back and make substantial revisions.

Best that we list what we want so he has that to work with befoire he gets too far into the development.


Re: Operating Manual / Bug report

And lets make a new Topic Specific only to Indicators Developments project requests  to be clean and easy to follow by Pop

Re: Operating Manual / Bug report

Blaiserboy wrote:

Custom Indicators

Popov is preparing to add a facility for construction of Custom Indicators.

You mean like no coding input? Something along the lines what MT5 was/is offering?

Re: Operating Manual / Bug report

He posted a message yesterday  discussing his projects for next month and that was in there.....

I interpret it as development of custom indicators...... and I think we can perhaps help him by making all of our suggestions at this point.


Re: Operating Manual / Bug report

footon wrote:
Blaiserboy wrote:

Custom Indicators

Popov is preparing to add a facility for construction of Custom Indicators.

You mean like no coding input? Something along the lines what MT5 was/is offering?

Here is the post

Re: Operating Manual / Bug report

Blaiserboy wrote:
footon wrote:
Blaiserboy wrote:

Custom Indicators

Popov is preparing to add a facility for construction of Custom Indicators.

You mean like no coding input? Something along the lines what MT5 was/is offering?

Here is the post

Thanks! I did saw it before, I hope it's not v4 coming out, changes are always hard for me.

Re: Operating Manual / Bug report

I have no idea as to what he intends to do.......

However, with this feature..... if well designed, it may be the last of the major changes for a while.

I am like you, I am still exploring the features introduced in the last couple changes and I am not yet able to use all of the features....   sad

Re: Operating Manual / Bug report


No changes to current indicators.

I find a way to hide 80% of the code of the indicators and make a file 100-200 lines.

I think to make a Skype talk about it on Sunday 18:00 GMT. Anyone interested in Custom Indicators development is welcome. My skype username is PopovMP, Varna Bulgaria.
Please request contacts connection earlier.

I'll demonstrate my ideas and will talk on implementation, tutorials and documentations.

I even hope to have working examples.

Re: Operating Manual / Bug report

Please allow us to make some initial suggestions as to the structure of indicators, I am sure that several of us would like to see some flexibility buit in to certain areas.

