Topic: A BOOK that can improve FSB pro development ahead 10 years!!

Hail mr. popov, & development team that create FSB pro.. I wanna share some book that can really "kick-ass" the development of the FSB pro..

the book title is "Trading Systems : A new approach to system development and portfolio optimisation"
author : Emilio Tomasini & Urban Jaekle
we can download this book for free in Scribd

basically the idea behind this book is based on the popular backtesting software pioneer, The Tradestation..

basically the idea that can make FSB pro better is:
- in tradestation, we can see optimization report with 2D or 3D Graph/Chart.. with this feature we not solely looking for optimize input paramenter for indicator, but also consider the robustness for our trading system..

- in tradestation, stop loss n take profit optimization also included with 2D graph

basically with this NEW added feature for FSB pro, we as systematic trader can avoid "curve fitting/data-fitting" and create more ROBUST system that can more endure future adversity.. what use a system that look spectacular, but actually data-fitting and not useable in the future??

thx for any comment..

Re: A BOOK that can improve FSB pro development ahead 10 years!!

The measurements you are requesting, to a great extent are already looked after, and results are available a lot faster than they would be in the TradeStation application

The nature of the generator is to solve for the highest net profit, therefore it is considering the variations of the stop loss.

The metrics that you can choose from and to sort by will illustrate the best solution by your criteria.

We can request data downloads to use in excel if there is a need for that.

You may find on examination that FSB is much faster than the application in TradeStation and a lot more effective considering the number of controls that you can set and you get immediate results for each metric.

You may also discover that FSB Pro is offering more flexibility than the tools in TradeStation; you would have to, of course, actually use TradeStation to know this.

To test for things with the ea's that you create, go to the editor screen and make some changes and check the results, perhaps save a new ea and then generate or optimize, check results, back to the editor screen........ MUCH SIMPLER and MUCH FASTER than TradeStation.