Topic: Error in Stochastic & RSI: Index was outside the bounds of the array

Some of my EAs are not working as per usual.  The FSB Pro highlighted this message "Error in Stochastic and RSI MA Osc Indicator: Index was outside the bounds of the array"

What does that mean and what can I do to correct it?  I never encounter such problem before and my EAs were running perfectly fine with no error in the past but suddenly today, this error message showed up.

Re: Error in Stochastic & RSI: Index was outside the bounds of the array

Would it be possible for you to attach the strategy so that Popov can reproduce the error

Re: Error in Stochastic & RSI: Index was outside the bounds of the array

I kept getting this message on my MT4 chart

"There isn't enough bars. FST needs minimum 300 bars for EURUS 30.  Currently 16 bars are loaded"

Re: Error in Stochastic & RSI: Index was outside the bounds of the array

Do you see more than 16 bars on the chart?

Try to connect it temporary to another chart for a test.

5 (edited by hannahis 2014-07-07 12:25:37)

Re: Error in Stochastic & RSI: Index was outside the bounds of the array

I tried on another MT4 account.  Still can't run all my EAs, got messages such as

1.  Low count of chart bars Set "Recommended chart bars" in Trade Setting dialog to more than 834 (but I can't find this setting)


2.  the same previous Error message about outside the array etc.

Re: Error in Stochastic & RSI: Index was outside the bounds of the array

There is a "Trade Settings" button in the trader page (I'm using a new icon set and my icons are different):

You can set the recommended number of bars in the dialog that appears bellow the button:

The new setting will take effect in next connection. Therefore, if you are connected, you have to close the connection first.

Set something like 900 bars in your case. Check first if the corresponding MT4 chart has at least this number of bars.

Re: Error in Stochastic & RSI: Index was outside the bounds of the array

I've changed the setting to 900 bars and restart the programme but I got message to set it "higher than 914", so I set it to maximum 5000 bars and I got the message "Index was outside the bounds of array" similar for the 1st Error message I got for the Scholastic and Osc RSI indicator.

As for the trade setting, is there a default setting whereby I can set it for all strategies or do I have to do it individually for each and everyone of it?

Re: Error in Stochastic & RSI: Index was outside the bounds of the array

I got this message and it created a report containing the diagnostic information about the problem.  The report is being sent to you via the programme. 

Index was out of range.  Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.

Re: Error in Stochastic & RSI: Index was outside the bounds of the array

How to check whether the corresponding MT4 chart has the at least the number of bars I set for?

Re: Error in Stochastic & RSI: Index was outside the bounds of the array

The default setting is 300.

300 bars are provided with some platforms that are using FIX protocol.

FSB checks how many bars are necessary for the indicators and shows a warning message if it needs more bars.

5000 bars are too much.  The MT4 may not contains so much bars.

Since the indicator periods are mostly limited to 200, why your strategy needs 914 bars?

It's bets to set Recommended bars to a value slightly higher than the strategy "First bar".

There is no a common settings because the different strategies needs different count of bars.

You do not need to restart the program, but only set the recommended bars and to enter the connection number again (I'll fix this in next releases).

Re: Error in Stochastic & RSI: Index was outside the bounds of the array

How to check whether the corresponding MT4 chart has the at least the number of bars I set for?

I don't know a pure way to do it. I would save the data to a file: Ctrl + S and see the number of the records:

Re: Error in Stochastic & RSI: Index was outside the bounds of the array

The report is being sent to you via the programme.

Thank you for the report. I received it.

13 (edited by hannahis 2014-07-09 16:29:35)

Re: Error in Stochastic & RSI: Index was outside the bounds of the array

I've set the bar to 1500 and most are working now but some aren't and though most are working, I still get the message about the indicator index outside the bounds of the array.

I don't know about the technical reasons or purpose of bars and how to calculate, so I can't answer the question about why my indicators need more than 200 bars.  I wonder what contribute to the measurement of bars for the indicators.  I use 1min charts and as for the indicators, I utilize a number of longer time frame as my strategies.  Maybe that's why the strategies need more bars?

From the report being sent to you, could you understand what's the cause of the issues?