1 (edited by Herd 2014-06-26 00:03:29)

Topic: Can linear losing be turned into linear winning?

A month ago Mr. Popov published a strategy, which, because of the bug in the FSB program, was showing nice, linear profit grow. After removing of this bug the strategy shows “nice”, very linear loosing.

If a strategy is losing in a very consistent and linear way, is it possible to turn it around, so to say put it on the head? In other words -and this is not a recipe for how it should be done properly, but only my effort to explain what I mean – could we let the opening and closing conditions change place with each other to achieve a winning strategy? Alternatively, maybe it is possible to adjust opening and closing indicators to do the opposite action?

I hope that someone will understand my question and my description, I have some difficulties to formulate it better. Or is this idea totally silly?

Re: Can linear losing be turned into linear winning?

It's not a silly idea in principle, I believe most FSB users come up to this idea. Short answer is no, reversing a strategy doesn't work out as expected, a loser will stay a loser. If there were no trading costs, then it would work.

You can read more here: http://mechanicalforex.com/2011/03/dest … e-one.html

3 (edited by mygiano 2014-09-05 09:49:09)

Re: Can linear losing be turned into linear winning?

i understand what Herd means.

i once made a strategy that lose linearly, first i think because of spread etc, but when i check the indicator chart, every open trade inversely with the logic i want.

how about add a feature that you can freely choose to assign "buy" or "sell" option to "a open logic position"?

Re: Can linear losing be turned into linear winning?

mygiano wrote:

how about add a feature that you can freely choose to assign "buy" or "sell" option to "a open logic position"?

It's already available, just use the opposite logic condition (rise vs fall, cross up vs cross down, changes direction up vs changes direction down etc).

Re: Can linear losing be turned into linear winning?

I agree that a linear loosing can't turn into a linear winning using the same strategy.

6 (edited by mathimatikos 2015-03-12 12:20:29)

Re: Can linear losing be turned into linear winning?

Sometimes I wonder how would a strategy behave if it was inversed.
So I think that it would be useful if there was the ability to load a strategy
and then ask the fsb to give this strategy inversed on a seperate file.
In other words when the normal strategy buys then the inversed strategy sells,
ones stop loss is the others take profit etc... and vice versa.

I know that this could be done manually but it takes time and it is tricky.
So it could be automated for better results.

Re: Can linear losing be turned into linear winning?

mathimatikos wrote:

Sometimes I wonder how would a strategy behave if it was inversed.
So I think that it would be useful if there was the ability to load a strategy
and then ask the fsb to give this strategy inversed on a seperate file.
In other words when the normal strategy buys then the inversed strategy sells,
ones stop loss is the others take profit etc... and vice versa.

I know that this could be done manually but it takes time and it is tricky.
So it could be automated for better results.

I moved your post here, so you can see the discussion about reversing strategies.

8 (edited by mathimatikos 2015-03-13 01:49:09)

Re: Can linear losing be turned into linear winning?

Dear Footon
  First of all I must say that agree with you about loosing strategies.

  My post about reversing a strategy didn't refer "loosing strategy"
So I want to make clear that I think that it would be useful for FSB Pro
to offer the option to reverse a given winning strategy.

  For example I have some constantly winning strategies which trade
on my live accounts for over a year and the same time I discovered that
the inversed strategies were winners too!!!

This happened on July 2014 and since then I managed to build some
interesting pairs of winning strategies of this kind.

The secret is that an inversed strategy has many different entry points
(and exit points) and different trading frequency than the original one and also
someone can add some extra conditions like martingale which help the inversed
strategy to perform even better than the original winning strategy!!!

This was a challenge for me to start work and develop my mathematics.

So please keep in mind that I am talking about inversing mainly winning strategies.
And it would be useful if FSB Pro offered this option because we could save time
doing this with a click.

Re: Can linear losing be turned into linear winning?

It doesn't take much time to reverse strategy's logics.

Re: Can linear losing be turned into linear winning?

My dear Footon
  I already do this manually. But I realised afrer almost a year that
it could be better to be integrated to FSB Pro.