Topic: Cloud computing for FSB

I'm currently trying to bring FSB on cloud computing to overcome my hardware limitation so that I can let FSB run on itself on cloud. I have tried Amazon Web Services and created few EC2 instances free tier but accidentally crossed the free-tier usage on i/o requests. However, they are happy to return the credit to me though. Will continue again with them next month after my quota is reset to zero ;-) i think the quota exceeded not because of FSB but because of GoogleDrive installed on the instance.

Anyway, long story short, I'm looking for alternative cloud computing service providers, hope that you could recommend other similar cloud computing providers (free trial) to me. Appreciate any comments you guys have. Thank you in advance. Cheers.

Re: Cloud computing for FSB

wilson78 wrote:

I'm currently trying to bring FSB on cloud computing to overcome my hardware limitation so that I can let FSB run on itself on cloud. I have tried Amazon Web Services and created few EC2 instances free tier but accidentally crossed the free-tier usage on i/o requests. However, they are happy to return the credit to me though. Will continue again with them next month after my quota is reset to zero ;-) i think the quota exceeded not because of FSB but because of GoogleDrive installed on the instance.

Anyway, long story short, I'm looking for alternative cloud computing service providers, hope that you could recommend other similar cloud computing providers (free trial) to me. Appreciate any comments you guys have. Thank you in advance. Cheers.


free ties are micro instances with like 618 MB RAM.
It is good for MT4 but not enough for FSB - building a strategy.
What about Contabo - 16 GB RAM and 6 virtual cores?

Re: Cloud computing for FSB

Isnt single thread performance is more important for fsb and cloud computing cant accelerate much? Unless you spawn lots of instances of program, say 16-24 etc. , isnt a Pc with high single thread performance  affect that more?

4 (edited by wilson78 2013-12-01 05:05:33)

Re: Cloud computing for FSB

Thanks for the comments. It seems like FSB is running on single core just like what kukreknecmi mentioned. I'm running the older version of FSB 2.72. Can 1 instance of FSB be configured to run on multiple cores so that the generator can run faster? Thanks.

I just found the answer in some of the old threads.. FSB only runs on 1 core. Thanks.

Re: Cloud computing for FSB

sorry guys , i just noticed this topic , iam not familiar with cloud hosting for softwares . i made some search today waw its a fantasic idea but could any one here tell me the process of how to upload FSB to any cloud provider i mean is it needs special codes or special treatment for FSB to be hosted on a cloud

Regards and thanks in advance

Re: Cloud computing for FSB

ahmedalhoseny wrote:

sorry guys , i just noticed this topic , iam not familiar with cloud hosting for softwares . i made some search today waw its a fantasic idea but could any one here tell me the process of how to upload FSB to any cloud provider i mean is it needs special codes or special treatment for FSB to be hosted on a cloud

Regards and thanks in advance

Nothing special, just need VPS with Windows server

Re: Cloud computing for FSB

All you have to do is install the program like you normally would. Nothing special, it is just like another computer.

I run FSB and FSB Pro on an amazon m1.large instance, and it works great. I used to use another instance to run up to 6 FST instances at once, but sometimes had issues with FST connections disconnecting and connecting sometimes. One or two FST instances seemed to work fine.

I have shut down the FST until I find a strategy that works. I haven't found one yet :-(.

Below is a picture of an amazon instance connecting through RDC (windows remote desktop connection).

To get a cheaper price I use a spot instance and set the price bar high. Beware in this scenario that if the price of the service goes above the spot price you have set then the instance gets deleted. That is one reason why I install my code on an EBS volume, so at least all of the files are there.

Re: Cloud computing for FSB

Hello ultplyr
i just checked your reply now and when visited amazon i found this free tier option with 750 hrs per month this means the whole month period , also 30 GB of amazon standards is that 30 GB per month enough to run the FSB !!!!!!

Free Tier*
As part of AWS’s Free Usage Tier, new AWS customers can get started with Amazon EC2 for free. Upon sign-up, new AWS customers receive the following EC2 services each month for one year:

750 hours of EC2 running Linux/Unix Micro instance usage
750 hours of EC2 running Microsoft Windows Server Micro instance usage
750 hours of Elastic Load Balancing plus 15 GB data processing
30 GB of Amazon EBS Standard volume storage plus 2 million IOs and 1 GB snapshot storage
15 GB of bandwidth out aggregated across all AWS services
1 GB of Regional Data Transfer

Re: Cloud computing for FSB

Is there much of a speed advantage when using the cloud.?

Re: Cloud computing for FSB

I donot know about the speed  but i think logically it will be faster than any computer because lots of factors may reduce the efficacy of your computer which will affect the speed of generator . also hosting on cloud will allow you running 24/7 which cannot be done by any computer without get burnt

Re: Cloud computing for FSB

They need a credit card info to register the free services!!!! 

Any alternatives without credit card info!!!

Thanks in advance

Re: Cloud computing for FSB

Maybe a prepaid credit card will work

Re: Cloud computing for FSB

ahmedalhoseny wrote:

Hello ultplyr
i just checked your reply now and when visited amazon i found this free tier option with 750 hrs per month this means the whole month period , also 30 GB of amazon standards is that 30 GB per month enough to run the FSB !!!!!!

Free Tier*
As part of AWS’s Free Usage Tier, new AWS customers can get started with Amazon EC2 for free. Upon sign-up, new AWS customers receive the following EC2 services each month for one year:

750 hours of EC2 running Linux/Unix Micro instance usage
750 hours of EC2 running Microsoft Windows Server Micro instance usage
750 hours of Elastic Load Balancing plus 15 GB data processing
30 GB of Amazon EBS Standard volume storage plus 2 million IOs and 1 GB snapshot storage
15 GB of bandwidth out aggregated across all AWS services
1 GB of Regional Data Transfer

It is free for the whole year

You just need to provide CC

Re: Cloud computing for FSB

Blaiserboy wrote:

Is there much of a speed advantage when using the cloud.?

It is not faster than good PC
but ir runs without interruptions

Re: Cloud computing for FSB

togr wrote:
Blaiserboy wrote:

Is there much of a speed advantage when using the cloud.?

It is not faster than good PC
but ir runs without interruptions

Thanks for that. my machine is on 24/7 so I guess I do not need VPS.

I was hoping there would be a great speed difference. lol

Thanks again.

Re: Cloud computing for FSB

If fully rewrite source for parallel computing, it would be great speed difference.

Re: Cloud computing for FSB

serfel wrote:

If fully rewrite source for parallel computing, it would be great speed difference.

Most interesting. Thanks


Re: Cloud computing for FSB

serfel wrote:

If fully rewrite source for parallel computing, it would be great speed difference.

We should understand that you intend to fully rewrite FSB source for parallel computing? In this case you'll be my hero for the next three years
As I wrote, I know one case only  on this planet that parallel computing works well.( ...and very fast, indeed...)

19 (edited by kukreknecmi 2014-03-11 23:40:21)

Re: Cloud computing for FSB

By parallel he ment taking advantage of multi-core systems and scales well to the some point, ie. up to 2 socket 32 core system (64 threads via HT). From what i understand core is not desiged to take any big advantage of parallel thread execuion on multi-core systems. All that work is handled via .net's infrastructure and OS's scheduler ( which is why u dont see a %100 core usage on task manager). If the core of system can be built multi-core aware / better thread distribution it will help speed of generator nicely.

By the way, somehow GPU acceleration will probably make the product one of its kind. I don't think there are many commerical product that can accelerate calculations via GPU (i dont know any actually). Even Metatrader 5's strategy tester cant get any use of OpenCL.  They made distributed / network shared computation infrastructure for CPU only.

I still dont have any idea about price of Pro version, but it will worth too much a well developed GPU acceleration can be included somehow. Even in a structure of Plugin, which can be sold later/seperate.

Edit : You can also use EC2's compute nodes but they will probably cost you a fortune. Unless you use only small amount of time per day, say up to 4 hours or so, buying a new computer will be more  benefical.

For big compute nodes on EC2, say C3.8x large which is 32 core, you probably need to lunch at least 25-30 instance of FSB to get full CPU occupancy. Setting up 25-30 insstance of FSB for generating a strategy is a bit time consuming for now. Better  multi-core using version of course will suit better.  I tried FSB Pro on  Windows Azure and it was not calculating fast. Even if i manually distribute core affinity.

For the last, multi GPU / network / distributed computing support will make the product worth of... I dont know more than 1000$??