1 2013-08-03 21:58:16 (edited by aysamatik 2013-08-03 21:58:42)
Re: Is there something wrong in this strategy
Trade number is quite small though! 48 trades that is. It's couple of months of data? Try to obtain at least 6 months, then shift the data horizon and go through those months. That should give better picture how it fares.
3 2013-08-03 22:46:54 (edited by aysamatik 2013-08-03 22:55:39)
Re: Is there something wrong in this strategy
i cannot test more than 50000 bars. fsb doesnt allow me. its nearly 2,5 maybe 3 month trades 1 minute data.
is trade number important. doesnt more trades making more losing.
and its not 48 trades, only 3 or 4 trades, others are add and reduce.
Re: Is there something wrong in this strategy
I know the 50k limit in FSB. I was suggesting you get more data and go through it using data horizon. Set it for month or 2 and go through the data by adjusting the data horizon.You can verify the equity curve on the go. Read more here: http://forexsb.com/wiki/fsb/manual/data_horizon
By trade number I mean tested trades. I'm not suggesting altering the stategy to produce more trades. What I am suggesting is testing the start over wider timespan to see whether your results hold water. Better ask yourself this question - is less than 50 tested trades enough to make conclusive statements about a strategy?
Re: Is there something wrong in this strategy
Thanks for your help. i will try it more data horizon.
7 2013-08-03 23:11:23 (edited by aysamatik 2013-08-03 23:13:33)
Re: Is there something wrong in this strategy
nop you are right, when i made first strategy into 65000 bars, margin call it said but second one is making more profit. Thanks againg for your help