Topic: Big Question: How to make FSB Pro source available?

I really want to make FSB Pro source code available. I googled for using opensource for commercial applications, but did not find any useful info.

Some ideas:
- Source code access to be provided after purchasing FSB Pro
- To give access to Private GIT Repository for contributors
- To open part of the project as freeware and open source

Any ideas for proper license?

Re: Big Question: How to make FSB Pro source available?

My suggestion would be to make the program available so that people can add things such as indicators and analysis tools.

I would be reluctant to offer the program as open source to the general population as people will be selling it.

Making it available to contributors sounds ok.

Perhaps make a limited part available........ I am not so sure about that..... particularly as you have indicated you may be selling the completed version in a year or so.


Re: Big Question: How to make FSB Pro source available?

What about two licenses, such as 'subscriber' and 'commercial', with different charges for each.

The subscriber license would have access the binary files and any source that would generally be included (such as the custom indicators that are included in the product now).

The commercial license would provide access to the source code of the application (via private GIT), along with unlimited (internal) use rights.

There would be no functional difference between the compiled application.  From a charging perspective you can continue down the path of a once-off (or annual fee) for the subscriber license, and a monthly (or annual) fee for the commercial license.

My guess is that the majority of retail traders are not also C# developers so would have no use for the commercial license anyway.

Your current source code license would probably not need to change too much in this case.

If you wanted to provide access to the source to your contributors, you would be able to issue them with a 'commercial' license allowing for multiple system internal use and the source code.

Re: Big Question: How to make FSB Pro source available?

annual or periodic license sounds right....... even if it is a small additional fee...... that would help to keep the number of active users current, especially for upgrade or revision purposes.

People such as myself are not efficient coders..... we do not require access..... other people will want to experiment or contribute directly or modify their application.

And then there are the people who will want to really get into the program code.

You might also consider allowing a qualified developer to market certain addins...... modules designed to do an additional application, that would allow for continued development and maintenance by people who have something unique to contribute.  ie someone may have the ability to develop some very sophisticated analysis which is beyond. the scope of the program but would be quite useful to some subscribers.

Re: Big Question: How to make FSB Pro source available?

Hello Popov

I have a completely different  idea about pricing of your software , 1st we have to know which market segment you will target  , if you will target the MT4 platform traders whom need to automate  strategies using FST so my idea is to make the FSB pro free and only price FST Pro  , why FST pro free will be more profitable , Because

1- it will increase the base of your testers '' testers will separate to 2 groups 1st group whom are serious traders and will buy the FST pro if they find the FSB pro is an effective profit generator , others whom like testing and playing with softwares  and those will try to search for cracked version as you mentioned B4 and this second group not a candidates to be buyers in future ''   and protecting FST Pro in my opinion will be more effective against cracking more than the FSB Pro because it have two parts which have to be linked properly to work fine also traders will not risk they live accounts with craked versions which may collapse any time

2- making FSB pro free will make lots of programmers adapt your software the programmers will work as a third party making indicators of their own to sell in the market  and this will lead to more buyers to FST pro
and increase its popularity , and this rout will need from you as i asked before to build a big manual demonstrate deeply programming indicators using C#and/or FSB language also this will need you to allow other ways than hard coding to be linked with the FSB pro , i mean dll .

Re: Big Question: How to make FSB Pro source available?

Also FSB, FST need to be more seen and as a start the best place to promote the software in a proper way not adding ads in magazine or buying a spaces in websites , the proper way to post codes of indicators and strategies in S&C trader's tips page 

Example : 

Doing that will make FSB rapidly recognized among 20 software or more

Here the archive of all traders tip's codes since start

hope it will help
