Sorry. Don't know how to do much of that. Here's relevant FXCM Account History. Note multiple orders per bar entered into by EA attached to EURUSD 15m chart and by EA attached to USDCHF 15m chart. will try to attach those EAs below Acount History. Don't know how to copy/paste their Journals.
Forex Capital Markets, LLC
Account: 2048271454 Name: demProMar13 Currency: USD 2012 March 13, 22:30
Closed Transactions:
Ticket Open Time Type Size Item Price S / L T / P Close Time Price Commission Taxes Swap Profit
1458276 2012.03.13 00:27 balance Deposit 5 000.00
Ticket Open Time Type Size Item Price S / L T / P Price Commission Taxes Swap Profit
excerpt FXCM Account History
22 ID = 22[tp]
1483884 2012.03.14 05:12 buy 0.01 usdchf 0.92491 0.91773 0.93229 2012.03.14 15:32 0.93229 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.92
22 ID = 22[tp]
1492274 2012.03.14 13:37 buy 0.01 usdchf 0.92802 0.91773 0.93229 2012.03.14 15:32 0.93229 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.58
22 ID = 22[tp]
1492276 2012.03.14 13:37 buy 0.01 usdchf 0.92803 0.91773 0.93229 2012.03.14 15:32 0.93229 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.57
22 ID = 22[tp]
1492310 2012.03.14 13:38 buy 0.01 usdchf 0.92801 0.91773 0.93229 2012.03.14 15:32 0.93229 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.59
22 ID = 22[tp]
1492312 2012.03.14 13:38 buy 0.01 usdchf 0.92801 0.91773 0.93229 2012.03.14 15:32 0.93229 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.59
22 ID = 22[tp]
1492314 2012.03.14 13:38 buy 0.01 usdchf 0.92801 0.91773 0.93229 2012.03.14 15:32 0.93229 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.59
22 ID = 22[tp]
Don't know how to post relevent FST Journal
1465730 2012.03.13 10:46 buy 0.01 eurusd 1.31227 1.30428 1.31605 1.30817 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4.10
11 ID = 11
1465731 2012.03.13 10:46 buy 0.01 eurusd 1.31236 1.30428 1.31605 1.30817 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4.19
11 ID = 11
1465732 2012.03.13 10:47 buy 0.01 eurusd 1.31229 1.30428 1.31605 1.30817 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4.12
11 ID = 11
1465733 2012.03.13 10:47 buy 0.01 eurusd 1.31232 1.30428 1.31605 1.30817 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4.15
11 ID = 11
1465734 2012.03.13 10:47 buy 0.01 eurusd 1.31231 1.30428 1.31605 1.30817 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4.14
11 ID = 11
1466136 2012.03.13 11:14 buy 0.01 eurusd 1.31239 1.30428 1.31605 1.30817 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4.22
11 ID = 11
0.00 0.00 0.00 -103.19
Floating P/L: -103.19
Working Orders:
Ticket Open Time Type Size Item Price S / L T / P Market Price
No transactions
Deposit/Withdrawal: 5 000.00 Credit Facility: 0.00
Closed Trade P/L: 4.61 Floating P/L: -103.19 Margin: 600.00
Generated Description USDCHF M15 Strategy
Opening (Entry Signal)
Open a new long position or add to a winning position or reverse a short position at the peak of an Up Ross hook when all the following logic conditions are satisfied:
the Moving Average Slope (WTF v3)* (Close, MA:14, Slope:14, Level:0.0, WTF:4 Hours) rises; and
the Laguerre* (0.65) is higher than the Level 0.15; and
the Trix MA Oscillator* (Exponential, Exponential, Close, 9, 13) rises; and
this is the first entry during the bar.
Open a new short position or add to a winning position or reverse a long position at the bottom of a Down Ross hook when all the following logic conditions are satisfied:
the Moving Average Slope (WTF v3)* (Close, MA:14, Slope:14, Level:0.0, WTF:4 Hours) falls; and
the Laguerre* (0.65) is lower than the Level 0.85; and
the Trix MA Oscillator* (Exponential, Exponential, Close, 9, 13) falls; and
this is the first entry during the bar.
Closing (Exit Signal)
Close an existing long position at the end of the bar when at least one of the following logic conditions is satisfied:
the bar closes below the Lower Band of Envelopes (Simple, Weighted, 14, 0.69); or
the Average True Range (Exponential, 14) is lower than the Level 24.
Close an existing short position at the end of the bar when at least one of the following logic conditions is satisfied:
the bar closes above the Upper Band of Envelopes (Simple, Weighted, 14, 0.69); or
the Average True Range (Exponential, 14) is lower than the Level 24.
Handling of Additional Entry Signals
Entry signal in the direction of the present position:
Add to a wining position but not to a losing one. If the position is at a loss, cancel the additional entry order. Do not exceed the maximum allowed number of lots to open.
Entry signal in the opposite direction:
Close the existing position and open a new one in the opposite direction using the entry rules.
Trading Size
Always trade a constant number of lots.
Opening of a new position - 0.01 lots.
Adding to a winning position - 0.01 lots. Do not open more than 0.1 lots.
Reversing a position - 0.01 lots in the opposite direction.
Permanent Protection
The Permanent Stop Loss limits the loss of a position to 1003 pips plus the charged spread and rollover.
The Permanent Take Profit closes a position at 453 pips profit reduced with the charged spread and rollover.
Generated Description EURUSD 15m Strategy
Opening (Entry Signal)
Open a new long position or add to an existing position or reduce a short position 6 pips above the higher round number when all the following logic conditions are satisfied:
the Fisher Transform* (Close, 85) is lower than the zero line; and
this is the first entry during the bar; and
the Long or Short filter permits long opening; and
the entry time is between 02:00 (incl.) and 23:00 (excl.).
Open a new short position or add to an existing position or reduce a long position 6 pips below the lower round number when all the following logic conditions are satisfied:
the Fisher Transform* (Close, 85) is higher than the zero line; and
this is the first entry during the bar; and
the Long or Short filter does not permit short opening; and
the entry time is between 02:00 (incl.) and 23:00 (excl.).
Closing (Exit Signal)
Close an existing long position when the market falls 785 pips or rises 392 pips from the last entry price.
Close an existing short position when the market rises 785 pips or falls 392 pips from the last entry price.
Handling of Additional Entry Signals
Entry signal in the direction of the present position:
Add to the position regardless whether it is at a profit or loss. Do not exceed the maximum allowed number of lots to open.
Entry signal in the opposite direction:
Reduce the present position. If its amount is lower than or equal to the specified reducing lots, close it.
Trading Size
Always trade a constant number of lots.
Opening of a new position - 0.01 lots.
Adding to a position - 0.01 lots. Do not open more than 0.2 lots.
Reducing a position - 0.2 lots from the current position.
Permanent Protection
The strategy doesn't use a Permanent Stop Loss.
The strategy doesn't use a Permanent Take Profit.