The rules of the system are simple but it seams FSB is not the suitable tester for it (or the strategy is not suitable for FSB). 
Simply FSB does not include such filters (yet), so don?t worry, the problem is not in your monitor!
There are several problems here:
You need to set the entry logic at 08:30 without specifying the time of the actual execution but FSB has time filter for the execution. It can allow or cancel an order depending on the time when its price has been reached (?Entry Time? filter). And even worse, this filter works on round hours only.
For the Friday is the same. You can set entry on Friday (Day of Week filter), but not the first Friday of the month. Of course, it acts for the day of the execution only.
Therefore, sorry, this is a very naughty strategy and FSB does not want to play with it.
I will try to explain a strategy similar to yours, but very far from what you need exactly.
Open only on Friday, between 08:00 and 09:00
Enter long when the market goes up 20pips from the price at 08:00
Enter short when the market goes down 20pips from the price at 08:00
Close on a profit of 40pips or on a loss of 20pips, which happens first.
Market: EURUSD 1 Hour
[Opening point of the position]
Steady Bands
Enter long at the Up Band
Smoothing method - Simple
Base price - Open
MA period - 1
Margin in pips - 20
Use previous bar value - No
[Opening logic condition]
Day of Week
Enter the market between the specified days
From (incl.) - Friday
To (excl.) - Saturday
[Opening logic condition]
Entry Time
Enter the market between the specified hours
From (incl.) - 8
Until (excl.) - 9
[Closing point of the position]
Stop Limit
Exit at the Stop Loss or the Take Profit level
Stop Loss - -20
Take Profit - 40
Steady Bands are a Moving Average + and ? Margin of pips.
So, making Period = 1 and Base Price = Open you receive a Moving Average that steps exactly on the Bar Opening.
The margin of 20 pips sets two entry points. For long Open + 20pips and for short Open ? 20pisp (Entry long at the up band).
The other filters specify the day and the hour.
One more difference is that this strategy will open an opposite position if the other entry point has been reached since it is beyond the stop limit of the first position. Here, the opposite signal behavior doesn?t play a role because the first position will be closed before the second entry.
One I can say for sure: The exit logic is exactly you want. Does it cost the time to read the whole post for this?
Never mind. Cheers!