Re: Wider Time Frame (WTF) Indicators

I have found an anomaly in the Parabolic SAR (WTF v4) when used as an Opening Logic Condition. I was doing a strategy generation and it came up with this indicator set to "Draw only, no entry or exit". But when I delete it (because it shouldn't do anything) the strategy falls to pieces. If I then change the logic from "Draw only, no entry or exit" to "The price is higher than the PSAR value" the strategy also falls apart. So the logic is doing something, I just don't know what.

Re: Wider Time Frame (WTF) Indicators

Do You think it would be hard to build WTF RSI indicator ?
Strange we don`t have such yet.

Re: Wider Time Frame (WTF) Indicators

Hello, Is it possible to get a WTF enter-once indicator??

I want to setup my EA to enter only once an hour...

Re: Wider Time Frame (WTF) Indicators

I also would lover to use a staedy Bands WTF indicator...

Re: Wider Time Frame (WTF) Indicators

Can you help me create Wider Time Frame for RSIOMA indicator (attached in the file)?

Re: Wider Time Frame (WTF) Indicators

hannahis wrote:

Can you help me create Wider Time Frame for RSIOMA indicator (attached in the file)?

Current FSB Pro offers Higher Time Frame for all opening and closing logic conditions.

Re: Wider Time Frame (WTF) Indicators

The MTF indicator Pro not compatible with FSB is that will extend in future to include other indicators so we will see two different types of software FSB limited   and FSB_Pro

File name: MomentumMT_Pro.cs
ERROR: Indicator compilation failed in file [MomentumMT_Pro.cs]
     Line 13 Column 28: The type or namespace name 'Infrastructure' does not exist in the namespace 'ForexStrategyBuilder' (are you missing an assembly reference?).
     Line 14 Column 28: The type or namespace name 'Infrastructure' does not exist in the namespace 'ForexStrategyBuilder' (are you missing an assembly reference?).
     Line 15 Column 28: The type or namespace name 'Infrastructure' does not exist in the namespace 'ForexStrategyBuilder' (are you missing an assembly reference?).
     Line 22 Column 35: The type or namespace name 'Indicator' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?).
     Line 36 Column 41: The type or namespace name 'SlotTypes' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?).
     Line 108 Column 40: The type or namespace name 'IDataSet' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?).

Re: Wider Time Frame (WTF) Indicators

I'll make FSB to accept custom indicators from FSB Pro, but it has no capabiliyty to load multiple time frame data and will not be able to calculate higher time frame indicators.


Re: Wider Time Frame (WTF) Indicators

Is there an explication in the Forum or elsewhere of  what the WTF indicator Alternative Ichimoku v07.1, which appears in the Forex Indicators repository and in the indicator lists of both the latest FSB and FST versions, does and what the various parameters mean??


Re: Wider Time Frame (WTF) Indicators

HELP; there are 4-5 functioning WTF indicators [including Repulse and Ichimoku] on the latest FSB and FST beta releases that are evidently incompatible with several MT4 platforms.  It is apparently necessary to block them from being used by both FSB and FST.

Re: Wider Time Frame (WTF) Indicators

Jgp, the currently uploaded indicators in the repo are only for beta testing the repo itself. We will prepare the final variant of the repo soon. It will contains only converted indicators in the new format.


Re: Wider Time Frame (WTF) Indicators

thanks Master Popov;  will the final release have any info on what they do and why?

Re: Wider Time Frame (WTF) Indicators

jgp wrote:

Is there an explication in the Forum or elsewhere of  what the WTF indicator Alternative Ichimoku v07.1, which appears in the Forex Indicators repository and in the indicator lists of both the latest FSB and FST versions, does and what the various parameters mean??

I don't remember whether I was involved with porting it to FSB, but regarding your question I did the unthinkable deed and asked google! First 2 hits should be enough I hope wink


Re: Wider Time Frame (WTF) Indicators

OMG. Many thanks.  Needless to say, nothing like this came up when I Googled every thing I could think of.  Of course, it never occurred me to Google  "Unbelievably Obscure Russian Alternative to the Inscrutable Oriental Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Indicator".

Re: Wider Time Frame (WTF) Indicators

jgp wrote:

OMG. Many thanks.  Needless to say, nothing like this came up when I Googled every thing I could think of.  Of course, it never occurred me to Google  "Unbelievably Obscure Russian Alternative to the Inscrutable Oriental Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Indicator".

Don't know about that, but I just put in "alternative ichi"... But the truth is that google is not what it used to be. Anyone knows a better search engine?

Re: Wider Time Frame (WTF) Indicators

footon wrote:
jgp wrote:

OMG. Many thanks.  Needless to say, nothing like this came up when I Googled every thing I could think of.  Of course, it never occurred me to Google  "Unbelievably Obscure Russian Alternative to the Inscrutable Oriental Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Indicator".

Don't know about that, but I just put in "alternative ichi"... But the truth is that google is not what it used to be. Anyone knows a better search engine?

you might look at 'dogpile' as a search engine, it is a crawler

Re: Wider Time Frame (WTF) Indicators

All "Wider Time Frame" (WTF) indicators are converted and uploaded to the repo.

Re: Wider Time Frame (WTF) Indicators

Popov wrote:

All "Wider Time Frame" (WTF) indicators are converted and uploaded to the repo.

Thank you so much.......!

Re: Wider Time Frame (WTF) Indicators

I discovered that there is an issue with the new Parabolic Sar v.4 indicator, please see the screenshot:

Left- converted Psar v.4 (FSB 2.98 RC) taken from repository is not viewable on the chart.
Right - old Psar v.4 (FSB 2.67)

Can comebody modify the Psar WTF in the way than it can be used also as a closing logic condition. Currently this great indicator is only available as closing point of the position.

Re: Wider Time Frame (WTF) Indicators

Left- converted Psar v.4 (FSB 2.98 RC) taken from repository is not viewable on the chart.

Thank you for the report.

I fixed the indicator. You can redownload it from the Repository.

Re: Wider Time Frame (WTF) Indicators

After I updated to FSB I get the following error:

Custom Indicators
File name: Parabolic SAR (WTF v4).cs
ERROR: Obsolete format of source code in file [Parabolic SAR (WTF v4).cs].
Get a newer version from Code Repository.

I used the latest version from the Repository: … sar-wtf-v4

Popov wrote:

Left- converted Psar v.4 (FSB 2.98 RC) taken from repository is not viewable on the chart.

Thank you for the report.

I fixed the indicator. You can redownload it from the Repository.

Re: Wider Time Frame (WTF) Indicators

There was wrong namespace. I corrected the indicator. You can download it again.

Re: Wider Time Frame (WTF) Indicators

The last FSB is more strict to indicator formats and reports issues that do not disturb the indicator work, but guarantee compatibility with FSB Pro.

My goal is to have a single set of indicators for all programs.

Re: Wider Time Frame (WTF) Indicators

may you code volume indicator to WTF Volume

Thanks in advance

Re: Wider Time Frame (WTF) Indicators

WTF indicators are very useful. I'm looking for a MACD WTF indicator.

I think that Adaptable MACD is far better than classic MACD indicators. Please could somebody convert Adaptable MACD … table-macd to WTF format?