Topic: New Indicator: Laguerre indicator


There is a very good indicator available - "Laguerre". Please could somebody will implement this indicator into the FST and FSB. It's really very good, please see my open positions:

Indicator itself (mq4) for download:

More information about the Laguerre:

The indicator should have this settings:

Laguerre rises
Laguerre falls
Laguerre is higher than the level line
Laguerre is lower than the level line
Laguerre crosses the level line upward
Laguerre crosses the level line downward
Laguerre changes its dorection upward
Laguerre changes its direction downward

Re: New Indicator: Laguerre indicator

This is a version of Laguerre build for Forex Strategy Builder and Forex Strategy Trader.

It uses the same formula as in the shown Laguerre.mq4 and respectively the values are same.

To install the indicator put it in the Custom Indicators folder. When you start the program it will load the indicator alone. If the program is running, press Ctrl + I in order to reload the custom indicators.

Post's attachments

Laguerre.cs 13.74 kb, 236 downloads since 2009-12-29 

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Re: New Indicator: Laguerre indicator

Thank you very much for your help  smile

Re: New Indicator: Laguerre indicator

Have anyone tried implementing LaguerreFilter? I'm pretty new to trading and I'm not yet quite sure how does mixing indicators work in Strategy Builder/Trader, so it would be really helpful to have this one as well as Laguerre.

Re: New Indicator: Laguerre indicator

I've tried to implement LaguerreFilter myself, so I took one of the filters that looks somewhat similar and was already in Custom Indicators. I took Vidya Moving Average and reimplemented Calculate method to match mql4 implemenation found here:

It almost works wink

The indicator itself is pretty similar to what I get in mt4, but the last bars are broken:

Could you guys help me to figure out what's wrong? I've attached my version of the script. Some code is commented, I will get back to it when the indicator works.

Re: New Indicator: Laguerre indicator

Sorry for 3 consecutive posts, but apparently something is wrong with attachments.

Again, here is how it behaves: … -1-running

And here is the code:

As you can see indicator is moved to the left comparing to the one in MetaTrader. I'm not also sure how to make 2 modes that are needed for using LaguerreFilter, which are: "price is lower than Laguerre filter" and "price is higher than Laguerre Filter".

Re: New Indicator: Laguerre indicator

Nice indi you've got there tongue

I found a source from my archive, threw it together following its lead, not sure if it's identical to yours, nevertheless the indi is attached, cross-referenced with MT->passed my test, values match. If you don't like my wording in the indi, do whatever you feel needs to be done - replace, change, etc.

Knock yourself out! big_smile

PS: Don't be sorry for your posts, it's a forum!

Re: New Indicator: Laguerre indicator

Thanks! I'm still not sure what's wrong with my indicator, but now I have something working to compare.

Re: New Indicator: Laguerre indicator

Can anyone give me the minimum and maximum values of gamma? I've made a mistake in that area, at least I bloody hell hope it's the gamma.

Re: New Indicator: Laguerre indicator

According to forex-indicators site it's:

Default parameters: Fixed minimum -0.05 Fixed Maximum 1.05

Re: New Indicator: Laguerre indicator

Hi Drogus
thanks for posting,
I took a quick look at your code, and i think the line 143 might be your problem
for (int iBar = Bars - 2; iBar > 0; iBar--)
i am not an expert but this is more what they do in C+, count backwards.
I think what is happening  is that by setting your maximum  iBar to  2 bars smaller than full set, you might be having a "0" number showing  somewhere in the calculation. this in turn would drop your average down fast....
I will play with it later to see if i can understand the calculations and maybe correct the math.
(as i said i am just a novice trying to learn so this might not be the problem)

drogus wrote:

Sorry for 3 consecutive posts, but apparently something is wrong with attachments.

Again, here is how it behaves: … -1-running

And here is the code:

As you can see indicator is moved to the left comparing to the one in MetaTrader. I'm not also sure how to make 2 modes that are needed for using LaguerreFilter, which are: "price is lower than Laguerre filter" and "price is higher than Laguerre Filter".

12 (edited by dr.B 2012-02-29 23:03:50)

Re: New Indicator: Laguerre indicator

Hi Drogus
I just increased the two to ten in

for (int iBar = Bars - 2; iBar > 0; iBar--)
for (int iBar = Bars - 10; iBar > 0; iBar--)

the drop off is much sooner
so it's likly it's your problem

i will see if i can help you later smile

Re: New Indicator: Laguerre indicator

Laguerre converted and upload to repo: Laguerre  Indicator for Forex Strategy Builder and Trader.