Topic: Website expanding and facelift

I'm happy to introduce the new part of the website - Market Analysis blog. The blog will be lead by my colleague Svetlin Minev. He's a professorial Forex trader. He'll publish there daily analysis and will explain his trades. Soon he'll start a discussion in the forum about manual forex trading.

In that connection we are changing the look and organization of the site.
We want to make an index page on where all parts of the site to be presented.

Any ideas will be appreciated.

Re: Website expanding and facelift

I think that it is also reasonable to integrate Market Analysis reports also into Facebook and Twitter. It's a easy way to extend the FSB community.

Re: Website expanding and facelift

zenoni wrote:

I think that it is also reasonable to integrate Market Analysis reports also into Facebook and Twitter. It's a easy way to extend the FSB community.

We'll try to do it. Thank you.

Re: Website expanding and facelift

We are testing the new design of on our test website here
Please give us feedback.

The link to was deactivated since the new format is already applied to

Re: Website expanding and facelift

Looks nice! To good I think for free software (great free software)

Re: Website expanding and facelift

We applied the new theme of the website. We also made some reconstructions.

- Blog section was added. It will contains daily forex analysis starting from tomorrow.
- Pages with presentation of FSB and FST was copied in the blog
- Download page and Forex Software page was moved to the blog.
- New skins and header parts for the wiki and forum was applied.

We will appreciate any feedback and recommendation.  Please take a close look to the internal links and correct representation of the styles.

Previous visitors of the site can experience style issues due to not updated browser cache. Please try refreshing the pages ( F5 ) or clear browser cache.

Re: Website expanding and facelift

I would suggest a 'search bar' on each page so that people can scan for whatever topic they may seek.

That would be a help to people and may also prevent similar questions being asked repeatedly.

The new site looks super....

(LOL) I just saw the search at the top of the page)

Re: Website expanding and facelift

The website uses three kind of software now: blog - wordpress, wiki - dokuwiki, and forum - punbb

Each of them has its own search.
But you are right, we can integrate Google search for the whole site.

Re: Website expanding and facelift

I couldn't find the Google Search at first, but it's way up in the upper right hand corner, and it works fantastically well.  Great thing to implement.  Great job with the website, I really like it.  Clean, easy to navigate, and there are not a billion blinking ads flashing in my face 24/7.