> I think Multi Market Robustness test would be an excellent addition to express gen.
I designed Express Generator to load a single Data Set and optimize the calculations around it.
We do Multi-Market validation by running ExGen over different data sequentially.
Here is an example:
Let's have a collection named "generated.json".
Here is how I do Multi-Market validation:
node ./bin/fetch.js --server ServerA --symbol AAABBB --period M30
node ./bin/gen.js --server ServerA --symbol AAABBB --period M30 \
--input generated.json --output multimarket-a.json --output-replace true
node ./bin/fetch.js --server ServerB --symbol CCCDDD --period M30
node ./bin/gen.js --server ServerB --symbol CCCDDD --period M30 \
--input multimarket-a.json --output multimarket-b.json --output-replace true
node ./bin/fetch.js --server ServerC --symbol EEEFFF --period M30
node ./bin/gen.js --server ServerC --symbol EEEFFF --period M30 \
--input multimarket-b.json --output validated.json --output-replace true
We can use any combination of a server, a symbol and a period.
The output collection is "validated.json" in that example.
--output-replace true serves to preserve the output collection name (it adds (n) suffix without it if the collection already exists).