Topic: oil Historical forex rates every pips the market moves

I'm looking for a website or company (or app)  that can give me the quotes of all oil trades for every change of every pips for several years (the more the better, but even a year or two will help me for research). I am looking, of course, to see what moment of each day the price of oil was in the past at any given moment. This will help me a lot
Even if someone can find a year's worth of data for me, or if there isn't what I'm asking for, then a place where you can start collecting this data in a file, as I explained, every pips that the market moves during the day, and know every pips and pips what second this gate was.
Thank you
I can also offer money (not much) to whoever will give it to me please

Re: oil Historical forex rates every pips the market moves

You can download BRENT data up to 200000 bars from the Historical Data app.

If you need more data, you can try TickStory Light.

Re: oil Historical forex rates every pips the market moves

Thank you very much Popov
I don't understand how to do it can you please help me?
I would be very happy and thank you if you could upload here a file of all the pips that Brent oil has changed in one year, each pips, what day, hour, minute, second
Or show me (video or pictures) how I download this data from the link you sent me.
Forgive me if I ask you to bother for me
Thank you
Thank you

Popov wrote:

You can download BRENT data up to 200000 bars from the Historical Data app.

If you need more data, you can try TickStory Light.