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Forex Software → Express Generator → Parameters not recognized

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Posts: 5

1 (edited by Scifo 2023-02-01 15:58:45)

Topic: Parameters not recognized


Trying to leverage the power of the EG tool and parameterize it all my inputs to make a dynamic script. However, I seem to be having issues with parameters when creating my CMD file.

I've done a very simple version of my script here, where it seems that the validation part will not accept the "--use_data_start" parameter.

Can one of you help me with what I am doing wrong? Or should this just be done in a different way?

EDIT1: The input/output strings are not wrapped, it's just due to the size of the text box in the forum.
EDIT2: For the data start parameters, I tried both - and _ with same issue.

    start cmd /k node .\bin\gen.js ^
     --settings = GBPUSD_M1_GENERATE.ini ^
     --output = ./collections/[SYMBOL]_[PERIOD]/Coll_[YEAR]-[MONTH]-[DAY]_[SYMBOL]_[PERIOD]_str_[COUNT].json ^
     --server = Premium ^
     --symbol = GBPUSD ^
     --period = M5 ^
     --use_data_start = true ^
     --data-start     = "12-07-2022 UTC" ^
     --use-data-end   = true ^
     --data-end       = "01-24-2023 UTC" ^
     --min-count-of-trades = 100 ^
     --max_working_minutes = 1     

    timeout 60
    start cmd /k node .\bin\gen.js ^
     --settings = GBPUSD_M1_GENERATE.ini ^
     --input = ./collections/[SYMBOL]_[PERIOD]/ ^
     --output = ./collections/[SYMBOL]_[PERIOD]/Coll_[YEAR]-[MONTH]-[DAY]_[SYMBOL]_[PERIOD]_str_[COUNT]_Validated.json ^
     --min-count-of-trades = 5 ^
     --server = Premium ^
     --symbol = GBPUSD ^
     --period = M5 ^     
     --use_data_start = true ^
     --data-start = "01-25-2023 UTC"

Re: Parameters not recognized

I tested your command script, and it works fine (without the requested GBPUSD_M1_GENERATE.ini)

3 (edited by Scifo 2023-02-01 16:40:18)

Re: Parameters not recognized

Thanks for the fast reply mr. Popov.

It is the validation part (Second command) which gives me the issue.
I'm trying to first create strategies based on one timeframe, and then validate them on another timeframe (IS/OOS).

Re: Parameters not recognized

You have spaces after "^" on the previous line.

The "^" must be the last character of the line. Its purpose is to ignore the next char, which suppose to be the New Line char. If there are spaces or tabs, it ignores one space or one tab.

Re: Parameters not recognized

You are completely correct, that was the issue!

Thanks for your great support and awesome software!

Posts: 5

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Forex Software → Express Generator → Parameters not recognized

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