Topic: Trading Session

At EAS, I have an influence on the number and quality of the strategies via the "Entry Time" and "Exit Time" indicators.

I would also like to see such a function in Express Generator.


;; Trading Session          ;;

session_open_from_hour    = 00:00
session_open_from_minute  = 00:00
session_open_until_hour   = 14:00
session_open_until_minute = 00:00

session_close_from_hour    = 23:00
session_close_from_minute  = 00:00
session_close_until_hour   = 24:00
session_close_until_minute = 00:00

friday_close  = 22:00

trade_on_sunday = false

close_at_session_close = true
close_at_friday_close  = true

ahmedalhoseny wrote:

Is it applicable to modify ;; Indicators used by the Generator ;; in gen.settings  into two groups one for open and the other for close


Can someone show me an example of what that should look like?

Best regards
