Topic: Question: When does Data Horizon get updated in Reactor / Generator?

Does anyone know when the Data Horizon gets updated in the Reactor / Generator?

Suppose I keep the Reactor page open during the week and periodically press the Start / Stop button.  As the week progresses will the Reactor use the latest bars or will it continue to use the same bars as when I first navigated to the Reactor page?

In other words -- if the Reactor is left open will it ever upload and use the latest bars?  And, if not, then what is the least intrusive way to force the Reactor to use the latest bars?


Re: Question: When does Data Horizon get updated in Reactor / Generator?

Hey Sleytus,

I’m pretty sure it won’t update without a refresh but I could be wrong as I mostly work with uploaded data which of course doesn’t update until I upload more.

I’d say just hitting the refresh button on the browser would be a non intrusive way to update the premium data feed? Although perhaps even just navigating to a different page and back (such as click on tools or editor and then navigate back to reactor might do this also).

I suppose a could of quick checks would confirm as you would just need to run reactor with no end date set (which it sounds like you are doing), and then when you stop the reactor note the end date shown where it shows how many bars are loaded into the reactor.

Then just see what needs to happen to move that date forward to current with opening fresh new browser obviously being the last resort but I’m sure refresh will work and likely even just clicking out of reactor and then back into it.

3 (edited by sleytus 2022-09-11 15:33:40)

Re: Question: When does Data Horizon get updated in Reactor / Generator?

Hi sammjacks...

Thanks for your response and suggestions.

Yes -- I'm running the Reactor without a Start and End date.  Instead I've set Maximum and Minimum data bars to 360 (3 weeks on H1).  It is my intention for strategies to be computed using the most recent 3 weeks worth of data.  Ideally as the week progresses then the data would also be updated.  I hadn't thought of simply refreshing the page and if that works it's simple enough.  Since it's the weekend then I'll have to wait until the next session before giving it a try.

This issue will go away with the upcoming Express Generator -- which I'm very much looking forward to.  I'm currently trading 28 pairs and have devoted a large monitor to 28 instances of Chrome with smallish dimensions so that a portion of each instance remains visible so that the browser doesn't put JavaScript to sleep.  With Express Generator this could all be scripted.  I suspect the ultimate goal would be to continually optimize and update our strategies using the latest / greatest data so our strategies are always "tuned" for current market conditions.

Re: Question: When does Data Horizon get updated in Reactor / Generator?

EA Studio reloads data on page reload or when we change some of the data related settings.

More specifically, EA Studio releases the currently loaded data and loads new data when:
- open or reload the webpage
- change Data settings: Data Horizon, Symbol Settings
- manually release loaded data from Data Statistic page with the "Release Data" button.

EA Studio does not reload data when:
- we navigate through the application pages.
- changing the Server, symbol or the period of the data in Generator/Reactor or Editor provided that the data have been already loaded.

Re: Question: When does Data Horizon get updated in Reactor / Generator?

Got it -- thank you, Popov...