1 (edited by geektrader 2022-08-06 18:27:48)

Topic: Why no more changelogs?

Hi Mr. Popov,

I see you are still constantly updating EA Studio per the version number in the footer, yet there hasn´t been any changelog in the related thread (or extra posts) about any of the updates. Why is that and can you list some of the more important changes (and performance improvements?) that have been introduced since March 2022?

Thanks a lot :-)

Re: Why no more changelogs?

I worked hard on the EA Studio framework and backend for about 4 months.

Most of the updates were code cleanup and refactoring without changing the user experience.

Beside of that I developed own database: https://github.com/PopovMP/dbil
It is suitable for low and moderate traffic applications with focus on speed.

I reduced the EA Studio backend with 30% with the latest updates. Now most of the server requests (except data uploads) take about a millisecond. The average EA Studio server load is 0%.

I also developed a new Premium Data feed engine and database. I prepared this for FSB Pro (works in the provided RC).


I made several fixes within the last 2 weeks. They cover issues I found when developing the new "Express Generator".
Now the collections and the results of EA Studio and the new Generator match 100%.

I'll release a new version of EA Studio this evening.

Re: Why no more changelogs?

Actually, the most important is that EA Studio has no third-party dependencies now (including DB).
This makes the project as stable as possible.

Re: Why no more changelogs?

Popov wrote:

Actually, the most important is that EA Studio has no third-party dependencies now (including DB).
This makes the project as stable as possible.

This is excellent news -- thank you, Popov.

I recently returned to forexsb.  Now that I'm older and wiser (hopefully) I experience forexsb software from a different perspective.  I really, really like how EA Studio has matured.  EA Studio (and FSB Pro) remain the finest software I've ever used -- and that includes both FX and non-FX.

Re: Why no more changelogs?

Thank you Sleytus,

I spend countless of hours to improve the software.

Today converted the EA Studio MQL generating code from this:

public static indicatorCrossesLevelUpward(slotNumber: number, indVal1: string, indVal2: string, level: string): string
    const s   : string   = slotNumber.toString()
    const code: string[] = []

    code[0] = `double ind${s}val1  = ${indVal1};`
    code[1] = `double ind${s}val2  = ${indVal2};`
    code[2] = `bool   ind${s}long  = ind${s}val1 > ${level} + sigma && ind${s}val2 < ${level} - sigma;`
    code[3] = `bool   ind${s}short = ind${s}val1 < ${level} - sigma && ind${s}val2 > ${level} + sigma;`

    return MqlHelper.addCode(code)

To this:

public static indicatorCrossesLevelUpward(slotNumber: number, indVal1: string, indVal2: string, level: string): string
    const s: string = slotNumber.toString()

    return MqlHelper.addCode([
        `double ind${s}val1  = ${indVal1};`,
        `double ind${s}val2  = ${indVal2};`,
        `bool   ind${s}long  = ind${s}val1 > ${level} + sigma && ind${s}val2 < ${level} - sigma;`,
        `bool   ind${s}short = ind${s}val1 < ${level} - sigma && ind${s}val2 > ${level} + sigma;`,

It eliminates the possibility to have a wrong index. It is faster and uses less memory (because the array content is defined at the declaration). It is also 2 lines shorter smile

Re: Why no more changelogs?

Thanks for the information, Mr. Popov. That´s super great news and I thank you for your continued tremendous efforts. I think you should keep these changes documented here in the Forum though, especially when these are milestones like no more third-party dependencies and your own database. I think it´s really interesting for people - at least for me it is - and potential buyers, if they see which huge efforts you put into EA Studio on a daily base.

Thanks again for all your work in all these years - EA Studio is just amazing and keeps getting better by the day - wow!