Topic: Unexpected behaviour in "% Completed" on Validator tab

Please can someone advise on the following.

I load up strategies into the Validator, start the filter process and then switch to the Collection tab. I spend most of the time in the Collection tab clicking (i) save and (ii) empty collection and then repeat until all the strategies from the Validator have been filtered through.

However, around 10% of the time, the Validator stops early - when I switch back to see "% Completed" this can stop on random numbers - 73%, 89%, 94% - which means I then have to redo the entire batch and I end up with duplicates in my library. This means that I end up reloading the duplicates which makes the process longer to identify them and re-filter them again. To counteract this, I have been limiting the number of strategies that I load up through the Validator so that, when I need to start again, I don't have to wait for 30 minutes for the entire batch to run before I can get the last 10-15% of strategies. The size of the files in the Validator have no effect on the early stopping, though - it happens more and more.

Right now, Im stopped on 88% and 2390 strategies have passed the validation. I restart the process again and I start to save once I get to 88%. Once I reach 100%, I see that 2890 strategies have passed - so this is definitely stopping early and for no apparent reason. 

Also, I noted that the collection fills up, and once full, does not replace strategies in there with new ones that might supercede the existing ones. So, basically the first 100 strategies that the filter finds, stay in the collection. If a new strategy is found in the background with a better performance, this looks to be discarded so constant attention is needed to click and save, empty trash and click and save. An auto-save function would be extremely useful so that you can build up a library without needing the manual supervision.

Can someone please shed some light on this behaviour?


Re: Unexpected behaviour in "% Completed" on Validator tab

Im still getting the error - stuck again today on 66% and 73% completely randomly. 36 people have viewed the post but i assume I am the only one getting the issue? Thanks, would appreciate some technical support in the premium user area.

Re: Unexpected behaviour in "% Completed" on Validator tab

Hello Matthew,

Please open the browser console with F12 to see for any errors.

Please send me the collection and I'll try to reproduce the issue.

Re: Unexpected behaviour in "% Completed" on Validator tab

Thank you, Popov - I will do this the next time it happens. I think the problem has reduced slightly now that I have put the collection down to 250 rather than 300 but it still happens on occasion. I will do the F12 and let you know - cheers, have a good day - Matthew

Re: Unexpected behaviour in "% Completed" on Validator tab

Ok, got one. Here, the Validator stopped at 85% and I got the following message in the Console - is this what you need?

DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for chrome-extension://klekeajafkkpokaofllcadenjdckhinm/sourceMap/ HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME

What I was doing : I loaded in 26,100 strategies through the Validator so I won't attach them all here, but I have attached one of the files which contains 300 strategies.

The issue doesn't happen all the time on the same file - for example, this one that stopped at 85% then ran to 100% on the second try. Another time, I could have seen the file stop at 85%, then at 93% then run through to 100% on the third try.

The issue doesn't seem to happen when I am on the Validator tab itself watching the % increase, rather when I am on the Collection tab clcking save/trash once it reaches maximum capacity.

If you need any more info, let me know - I have a feeling this is to do with the number of files I am processing, perhaps some memory capacity isn't clearing out somewhere

6 (edited by Minch 2020-12-02 15:58:13)

Re: Unexpected behaviour in "% Completed" on Validator tab

Attached the file. 300 strats and I tend to load in 70-100 or so files like this at the same time into the Validator in one go.

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Strategy Collection 300 EURUSD D1 (417).json 1.36 mb, 4 downloads since 2020-12-02 

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Re: Unexpected behaviour in "% Completed" on Validator tab

I perhaps should add, I am loading in EURUSD strats and then changing the currency on historical data so it is testing EURUSD strategies on, e.g. GBPJPY or any other pair.

Re: Unexpected behaviour in "% Completed" on Validator tab

I just tested your Portfolio.

What numbers you see?

Do you have other optimization / validation tools enabled?

9 (edited by Minch 2020-12-03 17:19:26)

Re: Unexpected behaviour in "% Completed" on Validator tab

Hi - thanks for testing it. I see you got yours to Progress: 100% - as I say the issue happens for me perhaps 20% of the time and when I load in a large number into the validator so I think 300 strats will go through OK

Today, I have around 27,000 in the Validator and it stopped on 25%

I am not using any optimisation or other robustness checks - I will attach my settings here

I did some research on Stackoverflow last night and someone suggested this could be because of my Adblocker - I  disabled it but the problem continued

I think you might need to load in a larger number of strategies to replicate it - the individual files all seem to be OK, I think its something to do with the volumes that causes the issue.

And also, when I leave the validator to run without touching it, I get the impression it happens less often, so I suspect this might be related to me clicking save/trash in the collection (set to 200) in order to save the results which have passed the filter.

If there was a way to save all results automatically which pass the acceptance criteria this would be really good, but that is a different change request and not the solution for this issue more a workaround  (ie once collection size reaches 100, then save the results automatically to a file and clear the collection again)

Thanks, Mathew

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EA Studio Settings 2020-12-03.json 12.55 kb, 2 downloads since 2020-12-03 

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Re: Unexpected behaviour in "% Completed" on Validator tab

Please open the browser's console with F12. EA Studio must show an error if something extraordinary happen.
If we can reproduce the issue, we can fix it.

Re: Unexpected behaviour in "% Completed" on Validator tab

Hi - I have an example this morning. 6926 strategies loaded, collection set to 150 and it got stuck several times between 70-80% and will not go above 85%.

Have attached the console screenshots and some other things from the f12 function. I zipped my strategies to attach those as well but the filesize was too large

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Console.docx 184.78 kb, 4 downloads since 2020-12-04 

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Re: Unexpected behaviour in "% Completed" on Validator tab


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Re: Unexpected behaviour in "% Completed" on Validator tab

The Console screenshot doesn't show errors. It means there is no programming bug that cam be debugged.

Please monitor the calculation. Try to find if it stops at once on a particular operation or gradually slows down with the calculation progress.

I designed EA Studio to be as fast as possible. In order to make it available, I programmed it to keep all statuses in the memory. However, my goal was to make it working with a Collection and a portfolio with up to 100 strategies. Since it works flawlessly as it is designed, I consider this report as off-topic.

Re: Unexpected behaviour in "% Completed" on Validator tab

Yes, agreed - thank you Popov. It works without issues on 100 Collection, as it was designed for. Thank you for looking at the issue anyway and I confirm the thread can be closed.