Topic: Impact of Intermittent Internet Connection

My internet connection is intermittent at times; how does this impact EA Studio strategy/portfolio generation, upload/download, etc? I believe that recently I may have lost a collection of strategies during an active EA Studio session when an internet outage occurred. In these instances, EA Studio appeared to stop, and I am unable to select the various screens. Ultimately I restart EA Studio when the internet connection resumes, and effectively erase prior active work.

Thoughts about this?


Re: Impact of Intermittent Internet Connection

Hello George,

EA Studio is very robust. It caches the EA Studio content, the symbols' data and the MT templates in the Browser's memory.
Even without an Internet connection, EA Studio stores all the user's settings and strategies in the Local Storage.

It must be another reason for the Collection loss.

A possible reason is that you have tried to load a new page of EA Studio (to visited during the current session) until your network was off. 

If you know an Internet connection interruption is expected, you can visit the pages you are going to use, load the corresponding data and export an expert or a collection in order to force EA Studio to cache the MT templates.

However, when the network is off you cannot export experts. EA Studio checks the Reserver if the user's account is valid. If it is not, it will refuse to download an expert, but anyway it will not delete the collections.

Re: Impact of Intermittent Internet Connection

Thanks Miroslav!