Topic: New EA Studio settings, Collection Capacity, Max Indicators, ...
Hello Traders,
A new EA Studio version is uploaded. It provides new possibilities for better optimization of the EA Studio performance.
1. Added Collection capacity setting in Tools -> Settings.
It is possible to set the quantity of the collected strategies between 10 and 300. The default value is 100 strategies.
Please note that when you set a lower value, EA Studio will load faster and will push new strategies faster. The loading time is exponentially proportional to the count of the strategies. A Collection of 300 strategies may need 10-15 seconds to load from the browser storage.
2. Expand the count of slots in the Strategy Editor. Now you can make strategies manually with up to 8 entry indicators and 4 exit indicators.
3. Expanded the count of slots for the Preset indicators. Now you can preset up to 6 entry and 4 exit indicators.
4. Added options for the maximum indicators composed by the Generator. The options are located in the Generator -> Generator settings.
Please note that if you have Preset indicators, the Generator will always have the possibility to add one indicator more to them beside the max count settings.
Please test the new options carefully. If you notice any issues, please report.
Just for fun, I found the Generator is much faster when using 1 entry and 1 exit rules and pushing to a Collection of 10 strategies. This is the fastest way to find strategies for testing a particular market.
Trade Safe!