Topic: Portfolio - change the number of strategies which are trading
i want to modify an Portfolio ea with 100 strategies.
Now i have build an enum input.
One Fourth
and this as input
input ENUM_strategies numberstrats = Full;
Now with this i want to change the number of stratgies which are trading. So if i have 100 stratgies in my portfolio i use "Full" and all strategies work.
If i decide to change into "Half" than the first 50 stratgies only trade .How can i change it easily.
I tried to change the
const int strategiesCount = 100;
but its not allowed to do if statements in the global scope.
So the only way i know how it is working to put here
signalList[i++] = GetExitSignal_00();
signalList[i++] = GetEntrySignal_00();
But when i have 100 strategies and 3 different enumarations its a much to change in code.
So if someone have a good idea it will be great.