Topic: Looking to upgrade PC for EA Studio

Hi Guys,

So im looking to buy a dedicated PC to run EA Studio on but have no idea what to look for.
Basically I want to be able run multiple instances 5-10 of EA Studio with custom builds of chrome and firefox.
AS well as have the PC able to generate strategies very fast compared to my current MacBook.

However, I have no idea about PC's and what specs to actually look for to compare what would make PC 1 run EA Studio quicker than PC 2?

Just wondering if someone can give me some guidance of what took look for in the specs of a PC so I can compare and have some sort of idea.

Looking to spend around $800-$1000 US so I know im not going to get the fastest in the world.

Re: Looking to upgrade PC for EA Studio

Look for the best CPU for your target price range. It can be an assembled system.

A machine like that will do a perfect job:

Re: Looking to upgrade PC for EA Studio

Awsome thanks Popov. So what in terms of computer specs will make EA Studio tick along quite quick?

Re: Looking to upgrade PC for EA Studio

The highest possible CPU frequency and a V8 based browser (Chrome...)