Topic: The Time Price Channel denies the service

Hello Miroslav, Hello Footon,

I noticed that the Time Price Channel does not signal in time frames smaller than D1. Would you please take a look?
The settings are correct (8:00, Deviation 200; Enter long at lower Band).

Best regards


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Re: The Time Price Channel denies the service

To the explanation
I have taken to heart to me the problems about a MT4 tester again. The EA puts in 8:00 o'clock, as desired, a canal which disappears 8:49 in mysterious manner. What is wrong you're welcome there?

Re: The Time Price Channel denies the service

My main problem is this.

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Re: The Time Price Channel denies the service

Because of the gap, the position cannot be open at the exact indicator price. It is open at the first price available at the signal triggering.

A strategy activates signals at the following way:
1. it calculates the indicator value. (It is the indicator's up Band in your case.)
2. At every tick, the strategy checks if the Bid price becomes equal or lower than the indicator price.
3. If the above happens, the strategy sends a signal at the tick price.

It is a rare case to have the market price to be exactly equal to the indicator value. If we want an exact match, we will have almost no deals. Let's take Ma. If you press Ctrl + F12, the chart will show the indicators values with a higher precision.

You see that the value is 1.2294442857...

Because the prices are rounded to the 5 digits, it will never become exactly equal to a value like that. To make the trade ever possible, FSB rises the signals on a specific way, depending on the trading logic. A simplified example is:
previous_tick > ma_price and current_tick <= ma_price

I said "simplified" because the real world is much more complex.

The real code of that signal is on line 335 : IndicatorBaseCalc.cs

An unpleasant side effect of the above formula is that it allows entries on unfavorable gaps. A workaround is to use an additional indicator that may prevent entries on gaps: Open Close Gap

5 (edited by tho.schu 2018-08-31 08:47:44)

Re: The Time Price Channel denies the service

Well, as soon as the gap is larger than the defined deviation, the indicator opens the position with the bar opening and does not even create the channel or ignore it. Otherwise he works as I expected.

Re: The Time Price Channel denies the service

OK. I've experimented a bit with OpenCloseGap and come up with the following results:

DE 30 Trading Start 8:00 M1 Time Price Channel (Deviation: 50 Time: 8:00); OpenCloseGap (Do not open on Gap 53 (including assumed spread)) opens with Gap> Deviation from 8:01 via Channel to 8:49 (then the channel has disappeared). Without Gap he opens as expected 8:00.

DE 30 Trading Start 8:00 M 5 Time Price Channel (Deviation: 50 Time: 8:00); OpenCloseGap (Do not open on Gap 53 (including assumed spread)) opens with Gap> Deviation from 8:06 via Channel to about 12:15 (then the channel is also gone here). Again, he opens without gap as expected 8:00.

M15 to H1 I save myself. D1 does not open with Gap> Deviation (Time 00:00).
Well at least. I think I can at least create a small option, so as not to fall into the morning in the beginning of trading in a terrible mess.
I hope it's all readable, because I still translate Google Translator.