Topic: Remove "Working minutes" limit of 10000

Just like in FSB Pro, I do not understand why you have to put a limit of 10000 minutes max generation time. I mean if we want to stop the generation, we simply can cancel it. On the contrary, the 10000 prevents long runs on remote servers, for example if we go to vacation for 14 days, I´d be happy if EA Studio would simply generate "until I am back" and not stop after 10000 minutes (~8 days). Can you please remove that limit or allow us to enter "0" which would mean that there is no limit?

Thanks smile

Re: Remove "Working minutes" limit of 10000

I have tried it, but it doesn't work very well.

It looks like 100 is the optimal value.

1000 strategies collection loads form the browser's local storage  for 16 seconds!!

100 strategies limit must work well with proper acceptance criteria and sorting method.

Re: Remove "Working minutes" limit of 10000

Thanks :-) But I think you are confusing strategy collection limitation of 100 with the generator "working minutes" limitation. I simply would like to have an option that EA Studio does not stop generating strategies after a max of 10000 minutes (~8 days), but that it can run "forever", until I cancel it. It would be great if we could put "0" at working minutes and if that would equal = "don´t stop at all".

Re: Remove "Working minutes" limit of 10000

Just to make sure, I mean this:

Please adjust it so that "0" = "unlimited". Thanks a lot :-)

Re: Remove "Working minutes" limit of 10000

Opps, You are right.

I normally open all new topics to answer and it looks like I have post in the wrong one.

Please adjust it so that "0" = "unlimited". Thanks a lot :-)

Hmm, I thought it work in that way. I just tested it and found out the Generator doesn't start smile.  It looks like I have removed that from some reason.

I'll increase the limit with several zeroes for anycase.

Re: Remove "Working minutes" limit of 10000

Hehe, very cool, that would be great (several zeros), or 0 = unlimited.

P.S.: Just because you said it: 1000 strategies = 16 seconds to load, I wonder if that might be related to your laptop or because you might not be using Google Chrome (as it´s Java-engine is much faster than Firefox), but for me loading 100 strategies barely takes more than half a second, so I doubt that 1000 would take 16 seconds. That´s on a AMD Threadripper 1950X CPU @ 3.95 GHz.