Hi RJ,
Thanks for your post, that's what I'm currently doing, I set the maximum DD to 10%, minimum count of trades to 0.25% of bars number (e.g. 150 trades per 60000 bars) and stagnation as pruning criteria on collection tab. But when you're dealing with large data (11 years of H1 data) with special condition (I set 11 pips of spread and 20 bucks commision per trade as stress test), it takes quite long time to get strategies with short stagnation without an optimizer. My record is 6% stagnation using EA Studio portfolio (100 strategies).
Since the first month of using FSB Pro, my goal is to get strategies with less than 30 days stagnation, that means, no losing months, of course the strategies should be robust enough to survive on, at least 10 years market condition. This kind of stratgies may give us more confident and peace in mind, and off course less maintenance.
That's why I believe that stagnation optimizer will really simplify the process.
Well that's what I think, but I maybe wrong, so I'm open minded to any opinion.
Best regards.