Dear traders,
We have Portfolio Experts that can be tested in MetaTrader. (please reload the app)
Please test it carefully and report all issues. This Portfolio Expert will replace the previous cloud calculated one.

You export a complete MQL code with all indicators and calculations.
The Portfolio must be calculated in order to be able to export a Portfolio Expert.
It is easy to stop particular strategies to trade by commenting out or deleting the entry or exit signals functions. You can stop only the entries by removing only the GetEntrySignal_0XX(); function call.
void SetSignals(Signal *&signalList[])
int i=0;
signalList[i++] = GetExitSignal_00();
signalList[i++] = GetEntrySignal_00();
signalList[i++] = GetExitSignal_01();
signalList[i++] = GetEntrySignal_01();
//signalList[i++] = GetExitSignal_02();
//signalList[i++] = GetEntrySignal_02();
//signalList[i++] = GetExitSignal_03();
//signalList[i++] = GetEntrySignal_03();
The current version of the Portfolio doesn't have the strategies meta data and cannot be imported back in EA Studio. I'll add this feature tomorrow.
Have fun with this new expert and Trade Safe!