Topic: Upload own data


I download data from my own broker using the script.
I download for a test only 1400 bars, which are the last bars from NOW.

Then I upload in the system, but he shows its from 2 days ago?

Why is this?

(even the demo data i remember had only few hours delay on the system from the real live data time)


Re: Upload own data

You see the number of bars uploaded.
Check also the Report page. You will see the full data stats there.
If you have questions, please post a screenshot and we will try to help.

Watch also out videos for EA Studio because both apps are very similar.

Re: Upload own data

Thanks Popov for fast reply.

What i did is change the mq4 script for downloading the broker data from my mt4,

I changed
int maxBarsLimit = 1400;
int spread       = 10;

Normally it will download the latest bars right? Starting going back from the current timing.
So for M1 charts it will download almost 1 day of data?

After that i upload the data in the proper way (like always) under tools/data import

Then when I go to reactor its showed only from 11 oct.
Actually as I am typing and make screenshots its working fine now. )))

Only issue remains is the Metatrade-Demo data is not updating as before, last date is 11 oct 03:39am (see screenshot)


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Re: Upload own data

Only issue remains is the Metatrade-Demo data is not updating as before, last date is 11 oct 03:39am (see screenshot)

I'll check that. Thank you for the report.