1 (edited by All4You 2017-07-03 08:48:25)

Topic: Problem with metatrader 4

hello, sorry for my English.

i have a problem with MT4, When I attack an EA chart i heve this problem.
I see the ea on the graph, but after a few seconds i don' t see it.

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19830080_10211509110517326_409091622_o.jpg 272.42 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: Problem with metatrader 4

before ... after a few second.

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19814063_10211509124997688_1405743398_o.jpg 310.52 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: Problem with metatrader 4

Hey, attach the EA for examination.

Re: Problem with metatrader 4

footon wrote:

Hey, attach the EA for examination.

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nuova strategia.ex4 225.46 kb, 3 downloads since 2017-07-03 

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Re: Problem with metatrader 4

Invalid pointer access error. This means you have an old FSB installed or expert is not correctly exported.

Go to download page and re-install FSB.

Follow these instructions - https://forexsb.com/forum/topic/5118/ex … t-advisor/