Topic: Can this indirect method make FSB live ?
I have found this EA named TicksInMySQL at . After it have wrote the ticks is SQL can FSB be make to read it ?
If thats possible, that's an indirect way to make FSB LIVE.
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Forex Software → Forex Strategy Builder (legacy) → Can this indirect method make FSB live ?
I have found this EA named TicksInMySQL at . After it have wrote the ticks is SQL can FSB be make to read it ?
If thats possible, that's an indirect way to make FSB LIVE.
This EA might not make FSB live but it can convert MT4's data inti CSV file .
Lastest Version: 1.4
2005.12.24 1.4 faster to detect if data changed by removing float point operations, added support to output CSV file in real time.
OutputCSVFile = 0 means no CSV.
OutputCSVFile = 1 means CSV + HST.
OutputCSVFile = 2 CSV only, no HST .
(useful if you want to generate CSV for builtin periods)
CSV Filename will be the same as HST file except the extension added safe checking for PeriodMultiplier.
Forex Software → Forex Strategy Builder (legacy) → Can this indirect method make FSB live ?
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