Topic: OOS on Generator not working


Sometimes when I set the generator running and set it to 30-40% OOS, it doesn't seem to work.  All systems that get generated seem to use all data.  I pretty much have to toss out all strategies generated this way.  Is there a way to make sure that the OOS works?



Re: OOS on Generator not working

Hello JRod,

OOS is from the first day of FSB Pro and there were no such problems reported so far.

Please post a screenshot that proves you statement.

Is there a way to make sure that the OOS works?

Yes there is.

When the Generator is stopped. it shows 3116 bars.

When I run it. It cuts the OOS part of the bars and shows 1869 bars.

3116 * 40 / 100 = 1246.4 bars.
3116 - 1246.4 = 1869.6 bars.
FSB Pro correctly loads 1869 bars.

Re: OOS on Generator not working

I use 40 OOS all the time and have not noticed the generator to not work.

Perhaps you will provide some examples so that Popov can check. ie the FSBPro strategy.

We had numerous discussions about this many months ago and Popov explained how it works.... but perhaps a bug has appeared...... I am sure he will check if you supply a good sample.

Re: OOS on Generator not working

oops Popov posted a reply as I was typing  LOLOL

Re: OOS on Generator not working

I will take a screenshot next time it happens.

Re: OOS on Generator not working

Please post the strategy file also so that pop ov can reproduce the difficulty or he will be unable to locate the problem