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Forex Software → Expert Advisor Studio → How The Collection Page on EA Studio Works

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1 (edited by yonkuro 2016-11-20 04:19:52)

Topic: How The Collection Page on EA Studio Works

Hi Popov,

In FSB Pro, if I set max collection to 100, regardless the search priority (search best) I choose, wheteher it's SQN, Sharpe Ratio or Net Balance, the collection on repository tab always show top 100 strategy with highest net balance right?

Is the same thing also applied to EA Studio collection page?

Or is the collection affected by search priority (search best) I choose? so if I choose SQN as search priroty the collection page will show top 100 strategy with highest SQN.

Re: How The Collection Page on EA Studio Works

EA Studio collection and FSB Pro collection work in the same way. Once a collection reaches 100 strategies and a new strategy is pushed in, the app removes the strategy with the lowest balance from the collection.

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