Probably you address the "Next same direction signal" option:

This option doesn't control how the strategy opens a new , but it determine show it behaves when there is an adding signal. It can happen only if we already have a long or short position open and there is a signal in the direction of the current position.
Next same direction signal option has four preset variants:
- Nothing - sets that the additional signal will be canceled. The program cancels both market and pending orders (if any) if at the moment of execution it find that there is an open position.
- Winner - this setting allows the adding of lots to an already open position but only if it is making profit at the moment of averaging. If the position is at a loss, the program will cancel the entry order. We call such trading “adding to a winning position”. Such trading can fault because we trade on an already “developed” market and the adding price is less attractive than the initial entry. Despite of that, this is a correct move if we develop a trend following system.
- Loser - contrary to the previous case, this option will allow adding only if the current position is at a loss at the moment. We call this “adding to a losing position” and is considered as a bad practice. However, some traders use it because the adding happens when the market retards and the price is “better”.
- Add - the program adds to the current position without checking its profit.
Please see the full description here: Additional Entry Signals