Many people have errors and after some exploration we locate a small error in their setup.
I also get errors from time to time and I have to find the cause myself.
When we go to Popov to find our errors...... it takes away his time from developing the software.
What all of us have to understand is .... Popov is a programmer, he works on a fee basis, he has an hourly rate. so when he tales his time to find our mistakes we are very fortunate that he does not charge for his time.
He also has a considerable business to run, several projects.
The software is fine, as it is, the help files are pretty well current, we can get help by fully documenting our situation and posting the documentation and the forum members will attempt to contribute their assistance.
All that being said, as a trader, you have to do your homework and examine things thoroughly before making a submission.
Keep in mind that many of the users are fully consumed with their own situations, dealing with their own difficulties... and. also trading....
Personally, I try to find my own solutions, I spend a lot of time looking through the posts on the forum to glean whatever information I can find - because - I do not want to be dependent on someone else for my income.
If you spend the time looking at how others have solved their difficulties by scanning the threads in the forum you will save yourself a lot of time as you build your knowledge.
Traders can not be dependent. or they will not make any profits......
This software is complex, the indicators are complex........ we each have a lot of study to do, experimenting, examining.... There is no way we can rely on another to make the good things happen if we are going to succeed.
I use one broker, and only one........ because - I learned years ago that I make mistakes when switching the data back and forth. I use their MT5 and their MT4. Sure, I have been tempted to try other brokers but I recall the mess I had when I did that in the past.
Keep in mind that your errors may result from the latency between you and the different brokers..... Have you checked that....... is your internet functioning the same for each?
My broker has a huge lag time....... but I generally use the higher time frames so I am not all that concerned.
Unless you have a very fast internet and low latency, errors can be caused in your execution, and that is something that you will have to examine for yourself.
As far as tone of response, please ignore supposed 'tone', not all people have perfect English, nor do they have time to look up exactly how to say something, again, we are most fortunate that Popov reads all of the posts and offers his time and help.
Always keep in mind, that this project was started to provide for traders a free method of developing strategies, that it eventually evolved to the point where there had to be a fee charged due to the time required....... which is 7 days a week, most weeks.
And now we have a top notch program with a very moderate price, there is a generous affiliate program and now there is the Binary Option Tester which offers more huge opportunities.
Personally, I am really thankful for all of these.
I am also thankful for the contributions made by Footon and Ahmed for all of the indicators, and a few other people who have been contributing to the project for many years and continue to contribute on a regular basis.
Trading is a self taught business, we are so very fortunate to have this tool, I would not be concerned about tone whatsoever.