Topic: Semi- serious diary of a new user
Goodmorning everyone,
I introduce myself,
I arrived a few days ago to the platform / community forexsbp.
I semi-profitable trading for 5 years.
I am Italian, and as you'll see I speak bad and worse I write in English.
In fact very often I use google translate.
With the following post I intend to keep some sort of "work in progress" for the learning curve, hoping it will be equal to the profit curve in my accounts.
In any way you want to offend or belittle the program, its designer, or the people who work there, but simply to give an ironic form to the doubts and the stupidities that are done during the learning phase.
I add: programming is in mè as oil is to water, I plan with various relational databases, but absolutely nothing of code.
Anyone wishing to intervene, with a resolution of doubts and errors is well-liked, always with sympathy and irony.