Topic: New Website Design

Dear Traders,

We are updating the website design.

Press Ctrl+F5 In order to force the browser to reload the new style sheets.

Please excuse us for the temporary malfunctions in various sections of the website. We'll fix the problems in 24 hours.

Please send us your opinion and recommendations for the new design and report all problems you may encounter.

Best regards,
Forex Software team.

Re: New Website Design

I did the ctrl F5 several times.....  no problems

Re: New Website Design

We removed the new design temporarily  because of issues in the forum. We'll try to solve the problems during the week and will return it back.

We can post a link to our trial location to test it better.

Re: New Website Design

The test website is here:

Only Home, Download and Purchase pages are working as expected.

Re: New Website Design


Re: New Website Design

Blaiserboy wrote:


Thank you!

The new design is already LIVE

All users that are using currently the "Oxygen" Forum Theme are welcome to change it to "OxyART" (if they wish to)

Re: New Website Design

Very cool, I am happy to see how the whole project is rapidly evolving smile

Re: New Website Design

Cool, I'm glad the name is "Forex Software" with more description.  Easier for people who are searching for EA creator or builder to find "Forex Software" than "FSB Pro" I hope.

Also those who are new or visitors would not be lost in the tons of information.  Now much more organised.  Good job.  Like it very much.

Re: New Website Design

thank you zenoni, hannahis
we are happy to see you like it smile

Re: New Website Design

This is really nice...

Pleasing to the eye......

Pleasing, even, to my most critical eyes.........!  wink