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Forex Software → Help and Support → Problem with data higher than H1

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Posts: 7

Topic: Problem with data higher than H1

Hi, I've downloaded data for forex pairs and CFD from my broker (FXCM) from m1 to M1, but FSB doesn't seem to display data beyond H1 timeframe.
FOr example: I download EURUSD for all timeframes, and get as a result the following csv files:
EURUSD1.csv (m1)
EURUSD5.csv (m5)
EURUSD15.csv (m15)
EURUSD30.csv (m30)
EURUSD60.csv (H1)
EURUSD240.csv (H4)
EURUSD1440.csv (D1)
EURUSD10080.csv (W1)
EURUSD43200.csv (M1)

Once I add the symbol, I can use the generator and select EURUSD and up to H1 timeframe, works fine.
Once I switch to H4, D1, W1 or M1, it stays stuck on Waiting for data... even if I wait for several hours for FSB to load (see attached screen cap).

Do I have a problem on the naming of the files beyond H1? or is there a problem with FSB (2.6.0)?

Thanks for your help

Post's attachments

FSB EURUSD D1 problem.JPG 109.56 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: Problem with data higher than H1

Do you see any error messages in the Output Log?

Restart the program and try again. There is a known issue that prevents loading file after trying to load such file before it was available in the folder. The program marks this symbol and period combination as unavailable.

Re: Problem with data higher than H1

Hi Miroslav,

I tried to close and reopen FSB, doesn't work.
Here is what I tried:
- open FSB with a strategy EURUSD H1
- FSB loads the bar, and says "Data check warnings for EURUSD H1"
- I go to History Center:
  Data Horizon cut off 13902 bars.
  Wrong Low of bar 282 at 2007-04-08 20:00.
  Wrong Volume of bar 17578 at 2010-01-22 18:00.
  Wrong Volume of bar 17579 at 2010-01-22 19:00.
  Wrong Volume of bar 17580 at 2010-01-22 20:00.
  Wrong Volume of bar 17581 at 2010-01-22 21:00.
Still, the bars are loaded, no pb: I can see the equity/balance chart and trades
Output log: Intrabar dataset FXCM EURUSD H1 is ready.
- I switch to H4 --> FSB displays
  Data bars Unknown
  Time of updating Unknown
  Time of Beginning Unknown
And the indicator Chart and Balance Chart show "Waiting for data..."
- If I switch to D1 or W1, same problem.
- If I switch back to H1, M30, and lower, no problem

I attached my EURUSD240.csv for reference

Could it be that the csv format is not OK? I noticed that FSB Demo data are tab separated, whereas mine is coma separated and date is YYYY.MM.DD. That being said, the format for my H1, M30, and lower files are identical and they work fine.

Thanks for your help

Re: Problem with data higher than H1

I don't see an attached file.

5 (edited by lwiart 2015-04-14 22:23:48)

Re: Problem with data higher than H1

Sorry, here is the EURUSD240.csv file

Post's attachments

EURUSD240.csv 866.83 kb, 1 downloads since 2015-04-14 

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Re: Problem with data higher than H1

Your file looks modified.


An H4 data file must contains bars starting at: 00:00, 04:00, 08:00. Your data are "shifted" with 2 hours.
You have to find and fix the reason for that.

Re: Problem with data higher than H1

Hi Miroslav,

Thanks for your help, it works now!

To sum up:
- FXCM tool called History Data Downloader downloads H4 data starting 02:00, 06:00, ..., and D1/M1: 22:00, ...
- As a result, I used period converter script with MT4, starting from 1 minute data, to generate correct H4, D1 and W1 csv starting at 00:00, 04:00, ... --> the H4, D1 and W1 are now loaded nicely in FSB.

Many thanks

Posts: 7

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