Topic: CFD vs forex?

I've added WTI crude with the same parameters as in the "old" FSB. Because it is called WTICOUSD I had to add it as a CFD, not as forex. Does this has any influence?

The balance curve has a very strange behavior, it barely moves!

Re: CFD vs forex?

While you are in the CFD department..... have a look at Goog...... I made some good money recently from it manual trading.

Re: CFD vs forex?

I had to add it as a CFD, not as forex. Does this has any influence?

No big difference.

A forex symbol must be six capital letters. A CFD symbol has no limitations.
You can set a base currency for a CFD.

There is no difference in trading and backtesting.

Actually a forex trading is CFD (Contract for Difference).

4 (edited by nquental 2014-07-17 21:39:57)

Re: CFD vs forex?

Thanks. Then I don't get what's happening. In the old FSB the equity curved moved, now it doesn't. It's just not possible. 1 lot is more than 7000 USD, how come that the equity curve doesn't change?

I'm probably missing something, maybe I'm tired.

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5 (edited by nquental 2014-07-17 22:13:13)

Re: CFD vs forex?

Ok I think I figured out the problem. It's the update rate that is not working and placed 10000 everywhere smile

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