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Forex Software → Forex Strategy Builder Professional → Forex Strategy Builder Pro Alpha 6

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Posts: 9

Topic: Forex Strategy Builder Pro Alpha 6

Forex Strategy Builder Pro Alpha 6 is available.

There are several major changes in this release:
  - The settings files are saved in "json" format now. It will allow us to add future parameters easier, without loosing the current settings.
  - Fixed the bug with "Day Closing 2" and "Week closing 2" indicators.
  - Fixed many bugs with Undo / Redo and Save As commands.
  - Changed UI of trader. There are new connections panels.
  - Status panel of trader is working now.
  - Added chart to FSB Pro Trader
  - Buttons on the toolbar and menu commands are properly enabled/disabled depending on the state of the currently active window.
  - Improved user interface of all dialog panels. They provide reset and cancel functionality.
  - When an error or warning appears and Output Log panel is not open, the program will show notification on the status bar. When you click it, it will open the Output panel and will scroll down to the last error.
  - Many other small issues are fixed also.

There are changes in program upadater. It has to properly detect now when to use silent update and when to download the full installer.

The new settings files are not compatible with the old format. Unfortunately, you have to reenter your symbols and all other settings in the program.

I tried to fix as many bugs I could found. Please report any issue you may experience.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Pro Alpha 6

I made some minor changes in installator without changing the distribution version.
- Installation dialog provides an option for preserving previous program settings.
- Also I re-saved the demo strategies with the current program version.

FSB Pro installator never overrides the strategies. If you want to install fresh copies, you have to delete first the old demo strategies.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Pro Alpha 6

Hi Miroslav,

that is great news.
Still there is small error - it does not copy settings of "Auto start at FSB load"

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Pro Alpha 6

Popov wrote:

Forex Strategy Builder Pro Alpha 6 is available.

First feelings? It is much faster than v5 smile

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Pro Alpha 6

I'm still optimizing the calculation process. In next release all calculations will be in background threads. It will make UI a little more responsive and will reduce flickering. Unfortunately using other threads comes with an overhead. Calculations become slower in a certain degree, but it looks faster due to UI response.

The same is happening with the Generator I'm working now. It is faster when using one background thread, with two threads is slower, three threads makes it faster than two threads. When going on to 5 threads, it reaches the speed of one thread. Actually the new Pro Generator is now 30% slower than FSB. Of course, I'll optimize it and hope to make it even faster. The benefit of Pro Generator will be a new sorting method, possibility to open generated strategies in new tabs, and also it can generate until you build or trade strategies in other tabs.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Pro Alpha 6

Multi core programming can be really tricky, I hope you are fortunate enough to be able to get the performance you seek.

You deserve a lot of credit for making this project,

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Pro Alpha 6

Popov wrote:

I'm still optimizing the calculation process. In next release all calculations will be in background threads. It will make UI a little more responsive and will reduce flickering. Unfortunately using other threads comes with an overhead. Calculations become slower in a certain degree, but it looks faster due to UI response.

The same is happening with the Generator I'm working now. It is faster when using one background thread, with two threads is slower, three threads makes it faster than two threads. When going on to 5 threads, it reaches the speed of one thread. Actually the new Pro Generator is now 30% slower than FSB. Of course, I'll optimize it and hope to make it even faster. The benefit of Pro Generator will be a new sorting method, possibility to open generated strategies in new tabs, and also it can generate until you build or trade strategies in other tabs.

Is it possible for FSB Pro to somehow? use graphics card computing power?

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Pro Alpha 6

Is it possible for FSB Pro to somehow? use graphics card computing power?

It's virtually possible, but I don't think it is practical. Such project will be very expensive.
You know that thousands forex enthusiasts are happy with MT. With MT you can make and test several strategies per day. Compared with MT current Generator can perform 1 000 000 calculations for a day.
Generator is enough fast. It can be faster, but this is not a issue that will frustrate a user.
How many users will buy $600 GPU generator plugin for FSB? It's better to buy a dedicated desktop with a fast Intel I7 for that price and to run 2-3 generators on it.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Pro Alpha 6

Popov wrote:

Is it possible for FSB Pro to somehow? use graphics card computing power?

It's virtually possible, but I don't think it is practical. Such project will be very expensive.
You know that thousands forex enthusiasts are happy with MT. With MT you can make and test several strategies per day. Compared with MT current Generator can perform 1 000 000 calculations for a day.
Generator is enough fast. It can be faster, but this is not a issue that will frustrate a user.
How many users will buy $600 GPU generator plugin for FSB? It's better to buy a dedicated desktop with a fast Intel I7 for that price and to run 2-3 generators on it.

No offense but many are buying 300-700$ graphic cards just for gaming purpose. If the quality of analysis is high enough and have some real returns, 600$ for a one time investment is not that much (you may remember once i mentioned about 2000$ may worth if the program have sufficient GPU support,  if the calculation quality is acceptable and analysis give you some real life returns). People will probably spend more to graphic cards  than the program / plugin's itself.

I dont think there are many alternatives to FSB out there. I'm not sure your expectations about how People will react to Pro version price. And dont know your expectations for user profile. But I'm sure not only ordinary home users with few hundered of $ interested in FSB, but also there are many out there with nuff $$ in their banks and  in need of some proper/decent analyse tools.

If you consider people are paying to codders for MT expert to behave as their desires, FSB already worths that imo. + some GPU plugin  will make that more valuable.

MT has OpenCL support for developing indicators and experts, but developing an expert and testing it in conjuction of lots other is not that easy imo too. Developing a indicator for FSB seems a bit easier to me than MQL.

If GPU Compute may help / extend your earnings as low as 10.000$ per year, i think many dont mind paying additional 600$.

Just keep GPU Compute in your mind at least as long term goals. You can call C++ Amp  funtions from .net (it is at least official). Not sure about Cudafy or

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