Create and Test Forex Strategies
The language tools are accessible from View → Language Tools menu. They are useful when a user wants to make new or edit some of the existing translations of the program.
After selecting Make New Translation command, the New Translation tool appears.
It serves for easier creation of a new language file. The parameter are:
After filling up the parameters and accepting the changes, the program creates a new language file with selected name. This file actually does not contain a translation but an English to English dictionary. When you restart the program, the new language will be selected and the file will be loaded automatically. Since the language file contains only phrases in English, the programs user interface will be in English too. Now, the just created translation have to be edited. For that purpose Edit Current Translation tool can be used.
Edit Current Translation tool shows both English and current language phrases side by side.
The main purpose of this tools is to provide more convenient interface for editing of the language files. After pressing the Accept button, the program saves the changes in the language file but you cannot see them in Forex Strategy Builder yet. To do so, you have to restart the program.
There are three additional command in Language Tools menu: