Donations - Special Thanks
Thank you to the following people for supporting our free projects in the past
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Be critical - share your feelings about our product. Help us make them as good as possible.
Report bugs - if you notice something strange about the behaviour of the program or if the results are not exactly as expected, do not hesitate to discuss this in the forum or send us an e-mail.
New ideas - we wholeheartedly welcome new ideas or suggestions. Any new function, instrument, technical indicator or logic may be included in
FSB Pro.
Design - use your professional experience as a Forex investor, programmer or web-designer to improve the programs or the website.
Correction - if reading this site makes you smile or feel puzzled, the reason could be the fact that English is not our native language. Therefore, you are welcome to correct any mistakes.
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Tell your friend about this website - somebody else may need these programs.
Vote for this software - the programs can be found on hundreds of internet servers, but it is sometimes difficult to discern among the other similar programs. Voting for them, you make it better discernible.
Write reviews - make your opinion of
FSB Pro widely known through the Forex related forums, the download servers or the Internet catalogues.
Place a link - place a link to us in your website, blog or forum.
Bonus software - give freely
FSB Pro to your clients.