Topic: BUG: Loading data from Express Generator into EA Studio


How to recreate bug:

1. Download Premium data into Express Generator with fetch command (GBPUSD_M1.json)
2. Import ./Data/Premium/GBPUSD_M1.json file into EA Studio.
3. Go to Data Statistics in EA Studio. It is mostly 0.
4. Download GBPUSD M1 Premium data from EA Studio.
5. For the second data set statistics are OK.
6. Spread for first data is 10 and spread for the second data set is 5 although both come from the same source.

All the best,

Re: BUG: Loading data from Express Generator into EA Studio

Thank you for the report!

Express Generator sets only the parameters needed for internal use.
The created JSON files lack the info EA Studio requires to import and store the data.

I did not consider importing Express Generator data in EA Studio because all these data are already available smile.

I'll fix that in the next Express Generator release.

Re: BUG: Loading data from Express Generator into EA Studio

Thank you.

Point 6. about the spread was probably my mistake.

But there is another little problem. When you go to Symbol Settings. You choose Custom Symbol Settings. You change the spread for
instance. And then you go back to Original Settings From Data File, original spread value will not be restored.