Topic: How To Automatically Stop EAs with Closed Profit <0 to open trades?

Dear traders,
this request is on the Portfolio wish list for Mr Popov, but in the meantime does anybody know how to change the Portfolio code so that only the EAs with closed profit >=0 are allowed to keep opening trades?

I find this is a good feature to automatically select the top EAs mostly in Portoflio with dozens of EAs.

Many thanks and happy trading!

Re: How To Automatically Stop EAs with Closed Profit <0 to open trades?

Would have to do a function to let the ea decide isn't it?  But I ask you if the EA has been put now how would it know which one is Positive? Would you have to run for a while?

3 (edited by poteree 2024-06-19 13:03:03)

Re: How To Automatically Stop EAs with Closed Profit <0 to open trades?

If the condition is running the EAs with closed profit >=0, the portfolio will open trades of all EAs of course at the beginning because all EAs have closed profit = 0.

More or equal than 0, ok?.

After some trades closed, of course it will block EAs with negative closed profit from opening new trades.

That's it.