Topic: Report-Analyzer - developnet

Hello Traders,

I'm working on an app for analyzing MT History Reports.

It extracts the performance of individual Expert Advisors by symbol and a Magic number.

Drag-drop your reports, and you will see the statistics.

Please report any issues!

Re: Report-Analyzer - developnet

I added filtering and sorting.

If it doesn't work for your report, please send me the report to fix the application.

Trade Safe!

Re: Report-Analyzer - developnet

This application is designed to analyse Account History Reports for life trading.

4 (edited by ViniQ 2023-08-28 13:09:38)

Re: Report-Analyzer - developnet

@Popov @Roughey
Thanks for taking the time and provide thoughtful feedback. Now using the right files it works as expected.

The idea is a great, with diligent testers you'll put the software through its paces, squash every bug and have an awesome app in no time. I'm stoked to see another great software coming soon yikes

Keep up the excellent work and congrats for the new project. Hope you the best!

Re: Report-Analyzer - developnet

Report Analyser v Alpha 3 uploaded.

New features:
- It recognises all known types of MT reports and shows a message if the uploaded file is not a History Report.
- Added a Table view layout.
- The filtering criteria can be switched on and off.
- Parsing of long reports is 100 times faster.

If you experience any issues, please send me the report for analysis.

Trade Safe!

Re: Report-Analyzer - developnet

Layout table was a nice touch! Well done cool

Re: Report-Analyzer - developnet


This is a great piece of software. A very useful addition to the collection of trading tools in our arsenal.

It is not loading my MT4 report report. I uploaded both Statement.htm and DetailedStatement.htm. See the attached file for your review

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MT4 35.01 kb, 4 downloads since 2023-09-04 

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Re: Report-Analyzer - developnet


This app is great. It is really going to assist in efficient portfolio construction. To that effect, can we have the following features:

  • Add magic number list (comma separated) to the filtering criteria, so that we can view only selected strategies

  • Display the entire portfolio performance, in addition to each strategy performance, maybe as the first or last graph

Re: Report-Analyzer - developnet


It seems this app is not working for the MT4 report yet. I have uploaded MT4 reports from multiple brokers, it's not loading them. Or am I missing something?

But it's working very well for MT5 report.

See attached what it shows when I load MT4 reports

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Report analyzer error.jpg 50.91 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: Report-Analyzer - developnet

> It seems this app is not working for the MT4 report yet.

It must work, however, it is not stabilized yet.

Thank you for sending me reports for inspection!

I'll try to fix it until tomorrow.

Re: Report-Analyzer - developnet

> Add magic number list (comma separated) to the filtering criteria, so that we can view only selected strategies

It is an interesting idea.

> Display the entire portfolio performance,

Yes, a good idea also. It can be an account summary.

Re: Report-Analyzer - developnet

It is fixed. There is a difference in the format of this report.

Excellent performance!

13 (edited by Blaster79 2023-10-26 15:01:06)

Re: Report-Analyzer - developnet

Hi, i'm having the same problem as amacaulay with MT4. When i import the report, it shows nothing. i've attached it..


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DetailedStatement.htm 69.38 kb, 1 downloads since 2023-10-26 

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