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Forex Software → Forex Strategy Builder Professional → Invalid order filling type

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Posts: 9

Topic: Invalid order filling type


I have this probem

2023.08.22 10:04:58.279    Core 01    2020.01.02 17:58:23   Error: ActionTrade::ManageOrderSend(): OrderCheck(): Invalid order filling type

Could you check it please

Best reagrds

Re: Invalid order filling type

Please check what version is your expert.

I updated the FSB Pro MQL scripts that address this issue.

The newest MQL is v55.

3 (edited by crifalo 2023-08-22 13:56:53)

Re: Invalid order filling type

version 55

Broker ICMarkets

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Re: Invalid order filling type

It looks like there is no standard solution to this problem.

Upload a fix later this evening.

Thank you for the report!

Re: Invalid order filling type

I modified your expert.

Please test it and send us a note.

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EURUSD.mq5 265.86 kb, 2 downloads since 2023-08-22 

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6 (edited by crifalo 2023-08-22 15:49:53)

Re: Invalid order filling type

ok it works now in MT5
Which ligne I need to add ?

Re: Invalid order filling type

There are multiple changes.
I'll upload an official release.

Re: Invalid order filling type

I uploaded MQL v56.

Please restart FSB Pro. It will update the MQL code in 15 seconds. You will see a note.

Please re-export your expert and test again.

Re: Invalid order filling type

ok it works thanks you

Posts: 9

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Forex Software → Forex Strategy Builder Professional → Invalid order filling type

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